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Smooth unilateral lump below the nipples but above the genitals. 3 year old boar.


New Born Pup
Jul 8, 2018
Reaction score
Just today when I picked up my piggy (Hurley), I noticed a smooth lumpy structure on his belly. It does not involve the nipple. The mammary area seems healthy and pink. He does not seem to be in any pain. Its on one side between the left nipple (below it) and the genital area.
Should I be concerned that it might be a tumor?
I live in India and I absolutely have no access to an exotic vet in my state. Travelling with them for 15 hours to another state for a visit is going to cause them unnecessary stress. If I were to take a picture and post it here, I don’t think the swelling would show on the picture. I can just feel it on superficial palpation of the belly.
What other signs should I be looking for if a tumor is suspected?
I would really appreciate some guidance in regards to this. Thank you!
Just today when I picked up my piggy (Hurley), I noticed a smooth lumpy structure on his belly. It does not involve the nipple. The mammary area seems healthy and pink. He does not seem to be in any pain. Its on one side between the left nipple (below it) and the genital area.
Should I be concerned that it might be a tumor?
I live in India and I absolutely have no access to an exotic vet in my state. Travelling with them for 15 hours to another state for a visit is going to cause them unnecessary stress. If I were to take a picture and post it here, I don’t think the swelling would show on the picture. I can just feel it on superficial palpation of the belly.
What other signs should I be looking for if a tumor is suspected?
I would really appreciate some guidance in regards to this. Thank you!


It is unfortunately impossible to tell a tumour (not necessarily a mammary one) and a harmless fatty lump (which tend to be most common on the undercarriage of piggies) or a beginning abscess.

Please keep an eye on it under your specific circumstances; if necessary take pictures for reference in order to monitor the growth. If the lump continues to grow, especially continues to grow quickly, then it will need removing and analysing after removal.

It is unfortunately impossible to tell a tumour (not necessarily a mammary one) and a harmless fatty lump (which tend to be most common on the undercarriage of piggies) or a beginning abscess.

Please keep an eye on it under your specific circumstances; if necessary take pictures for reference in order to monitor the growth. If the lump continues to grow, especially continues to grow quickly, then it will need removing and analysing after removal.
Thank you so much. I shall definitely keep an eye on the progression.
The harmless fatty lump you mentioned, how does that feel on palpation? Is it smooth? Could it be singular and localised to just one spot?