Spraying for bugs with guineas?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2019
Reaction score
Carbondale, Illinois
Good afternoon!
So in my apartment complex, my boyfriend and I have been experiencing issues with more spiders and roaches as usual. It’s really nasty. However, my apartment emailed me today saying they are going to come in to our apartment on the 8th of August and spray for bugs. They require everybody be out of the apartment

So the guinea pigs stay in the spare bedroom. Their cage takes up half of the bedroom and then they have a ramp from the cage, running to the floor for when they get free time. I’ve heard pesticides can stick to their stuff and the cage itself, even if not in the same room. Plus, I would just be insanely nervous to put them back on the floor again. It’s extremely hard to take their cage down and even if we did, it wouldn’t fit in a closet. I’m not quite sure what to do, or if I can just try and cancel it. We will be moving in a few months anyways. I’m just nervous for their safety.
If anybody has any ideas, that would be great! Thank you! :)
Update: my boyfriend just wants to ask if they can skip that room, however air would still travel. So I’d still be nervous of residue on their cage or items, plus putting them down for floor time again.
Yes! We are gonna be loading them up in the car and probably just waiting. They said it should only take five minutes! :)

It’s good that they won’t be in the apartment whilst it’s being fumigated. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to your specific question but I have tagged some members who may know
I’d suggest you also air the place out before you get them back in. It may not smell to us but their sense of smell is much better than ours.