The Cosy Room

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 5, 2015
Reaction score
Edgware Middlesex
A week or so back I was contemplating getting a cosy cup each for Tubby & Dom, however as Tubby NEVER leaves Dom's side I could just picture Tubby climbing in Dom's cosy to be with him and Tubby isn't small like Dom and was worried Tubby would squash Dom, so I decided to make them their very own private Cosy Room. The base has 3 layers of Towels & 2 layers of fleece blankets, on top of that it has 3 heated cosy pads, on top of the pads there is a XL extra soft fleece blanket and a regular fleece twisted around acting as a pillow, then another fleece draped over the top of a grid shelf I put on top for complete privacy. The thing I most like about this is its easy to wash the top fleeces every day to ensure they're not sleeping on wet bedding...and Dom doesn't get a yellow belly :D

I've also put in some LED night lights in their room which switch on and off by themselves according to the light levels in the room, they add just a very small amount of gentle light so they are not in complete darkness when they are out of their cosy room.
A quick peek behind the fleece before I say Good night...two nice cosy and warm Piggies ready for bed!
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Thank you, I'm very pleased with it and so are my boys, I put the blankets on my radiator to make them extra warm & toastie before I put them in each evening .... I wish there was room for me to get in for a cuddle :D

ha ha! That is so sweet. My husband used to put the fleece blankets on the radiator to warm up for his Banshee-Cat to lie on!
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