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The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

If I ever have to give him oral antibiotics I can already tell you, that will be an instant betrayal lol.
Bann has been an absolute star over being medicated. If I get the metacam drawn and the lid off the drops tube, I can get him, give him eyedrops, fight over the syringe, and be done in a few minutes. I don't know if it's because of the metacam chaser (but that probably helps) but this morning I managed to drop just one drop direct to his eyeball...and then spent some amount of time second guessing whether I'd actually done it, lol.

I don't think he can see properly out of it, unfortunately. I might be wrong, he might just be more wary of Hands because he's being medicated but I'm not sure that's all it is. 🤞 though
Fingers crossed he will regain his sight when the eye heals.
If the drops are anything like the Viscotears I use I can't see very well for a while after using them, they put a film over the eye.
The eye's clearer but he's still producing a lot of the cleaning fluid throughout the day. It's not hanging about and gumming up like it was, but it's still over producing. The isathal leaves a bit of a film too.

And he's still shoving his entire head under the hay because there's apparently tasty stuff under there 🤨 it's clearly not bothering him that much 🤷‍♂️
The goblins are used to a pepper breakfast. I apparently had a bit too much to drink last night (woe is me) and they got some lettuce first. Cam doesn't like lettuce breakfast, I'm assuming because pepper breakfast is more substantial, so I got yelled at precisely an hour after the lettuce feed. I actually wondered if it was Bann having injured himself again til I poked my head through the doorway and Cam was bouncing.

So I get their peppers.
Bann goes to take his, freaks out, backs off.
Cam gets his and backs into the bed he's already in.
Bann rethinks, gets his pepper, and runs into the other doorway of that same bed.
Cue scuffles.
Bann exits the bed via the same doorway as before, minus his pepper.

On the bright (hah) side, I might be feeling rough, but Bann's been very bright all morning.

You can't really tell, but Cam managed to get himself covered in hay dust. And it might sound awful that I'm laughing at this but I got Bann into the carrier with some "I'm being murdered" screams for my trouble and I closed over the carrier door to hear a normal wheek behind me. I turned round and Cam had moved himself into the middle of the cage and was chatting to me like "haha you're not gonna pick me up, right?" and then I got a momentary pause before I saw the lightbulb go off above his head, ong with an "oh ¿>&!" before he dived for cover. It was slightly less fun having to almost turn the bed inside out to get him out of it, though.
It's only tunnels so far. Once the beds have dried I'll have those in too. I'm just trying to work out how I'll arrange the living room now there's an extra, massive tent on the floor lol.
Cam may have worked out what me going into the kitchen and the fridge door sounds mean, or maybe it was because I came downstairs, or...maybe he was just hungry. Any and all ate possibilities.

Bann hasn't twigged to any of these things. Sigh. I still love you, lad.

I was going to be doing jigsaws downstairs and vaping in the kitchen - the kitchen doors take some fighting but they do close, I'm not willing vape in the same open room they're in - because it's sweltering upstairs too but the coffee table isn't suitable. It's too low compared to the sofa and the armchair. The table would work but I need it for the jigsaws because I can't trust some of my visitors not to do something stupid and send them flying off the coffee table. Jigsaws upstairs it is, with regular cooling off trips! Oh and some Banana Boat aloe vera gel that gets stored on the fridge. It's great for cooling off.

Also I forgot to get a can when I went downstairs. I need a mini fridge upstairs lol.
Well, Cam likes to get absolutely frantic when I come down the stairs and he's allegedly hungry. My worries about the cold (it didn't drop below 18.7° in the end, which was great) aside, I wish I could keep them downstairs full time. I've always found it more beneficial to them to be around the people in the house and not just me, and them being in my bedroom means they get nothing by way of visitors. Plus it's easier to apologise for Cam's screaming when the adjacent wall is a kitchen and not a baby's bedroom, lol.
It's great that the temperature stayed up. Maybe once the boiler is sorted they will be able to be downstairs permanently. I love mine being downstairs.
I kept Comet and Blitzen in my living room unless it got too warm, and my bedroom was on the other side of the building and easier to keep cool. They did surprise people because we'd be trying to have a serious conversation and they'd be trying to hump each other, falling off, chasing each other, all with the sort of happy shrieks that sound worrying if you've not seen that sort of behaviour lol. They're not getting handled all the time but they're getting used to more people and different people, which is useful if something happens to me.

I really don't know how my support staff are going to feel about half my living room going missing lol but the goblins are better than they are anyway :whistle: