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Today's A Very Sad Day - Pebbles Has Lymphoma :(

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Senior Guinea Pig
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Never never land
Poor Pebbles has been diagnosed with Lymphoma, she had blood's and needle Aspirate done yesterday at the vets and the diagnostic results returned today :-(.

Most of us know all to well how this illness goes, today is a very sad day.

I love owning my pets but it always breaks my heart, even more so when I know they are going to detoriate in front of my very eyes and there's nothing I can do.

I'll be letting her go when it's time, and making sure the next few weeks/months are extra special!
Oh no! I am really sorry to hear this sad news. I hope you have plenty of time with her before she becomes ill. My thoughts are with you.
Jo our thoughts are with you and Pebbles, such a special piggy, lots of love and hugs X
Huge hugs Jo, know what you are going through. As I said in our pm it is hard and you start the grieving process while they are still here. Treacy Bum was a very happy pig up until the hour we had to take her in to PTS. I am sure you will make every day a special day for your wonderful girl. We are here for you. Give Pebbles a cuddle from us this evening and have a huge hug mate x
oh hon I'm so sorry to read this, was just thinking about you and the piggles yesterday wondering how they all are. cherish your precious time x
So sorry to hear this Jo - sending you big hugs xx
AW no :( That's so crappy. My dog just recently passed away from lymphoma just three days shy of her 11th birthday. We also made the best of her time she had left! The day before we had her put down, I shared my pizza with her and we cuddled. I still bawled like a baby when they put her to sleep :(
I am so sorry :(
Treasure every second x
Such sad news Jo- I'm so sorry.

It's hard in this type of situation but treasuring the time you have left with your special girl is deffo the best approach.
BIg hugs being sent to you and Pebbles from me and the piggiers here.

Oh no, what terrible news! :( *hugs* poor little one, at least she's got you to look after her in her final time to make it extra special, though I know that doesn't make it easier to go through.
I am very sorry; it's not the news you want to hear... :(
I am very sorry; it's not the kind of diagnosis you ever want to hear... :(
Thanks everyone for the kind wishes, Pebbles currently thinks there's nothing wrong with her. It's helping knowing she can't be suffering at the moment but at the same time I'm well aware of what's ahead. She's very light through a mere 750 grams although her appetite is huge. She'll happily munch 20 ml's of critical in less than 10 minutes bless her cotton socks.

I can't bring myself to touch any of her lymph nobes, brings me back to reality - weird how the brain work's if you can't feel it it's not there although in this situation ignorance is a short respite.
I'm so sorry Jo. Lymphoma is awful :(

My Ena had Lymphoma at the age if 3. After a lump removal which confirmed the illness, we sadly made the decision to pts after she chewed her stitches out due to the wound not healing :(

Thinking of you and Pebbles xx
So very sorry. x

I'm sure you'll make her days extremely happy though and thats what you need to remember. Hugs to you and Pebbles x
I'm so sorry to read this. Its always awful when they become ill... Sending strength.
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