Tricky situation


New Born Pup
Sep 17, 2020
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Hi, I’m new to this forum and new to piggies, having only become an owner 2 months ago. We thought we’d been sold a pair of girls but we found out last week that one of them was pregnant! We asked the vet to check the other to see if it was a boy after all but the vets collectively couldn’t be sure. We‘ve had to separate them just in case so they are currently in adjacent runs. Our pregnant piggy gave birth to just one (adorable) baby this week and all is well with mum and baby, but we still don’t know whether she was pregnant when we got her or whether her friend is actually male as the dates mean it could be either. And of course we don’t know the sex of the baby yet!
Today we decided (perhaps naively) that our original two piggies might like 10 minutes of (supervised) time together. We thought it would be ok as they’d been interacting through the mesh and side by side some of the time and we’re bonded before. It wasn’t ok. They seemed to start fighting. It was horrible to watch and we separated them quickly. Perhaps it’s normal establishment of dominance but it was a shock to see that they don’t seem bonded any more and were being very aggressive towards each other. The pregnant one had become more territorial as her pregnancy progressed (which made sense once we found out!) but now we have three guinea pigs and only know the gender of one for certain. Mum and baby are good together, but baby might be a boy in which case we’ll have to separate them in a few weeks. The vets are unsure of the gender of our other piggy so it’s very difficult to know what to do next. I’m taking him/her to a rescue centre to ask them to take a look and give another opinion on the sex, and of course in a couple of weeks we’ll take baby to the vet and/or the rescue centre for the same. Ideally we’d love to keep all three of them. IF they all turn out to be girls, or just one is a boy, is it possible/likely that they could live together harmoniously (the vet says there is a neutering injection for females which we would consider)? And do you think our original two could re-bond? Sorry for such a long post but any advice/experience would be most welcome! Thanks in advance.
Pregnancies last 10 weeks on a evade. So count back and see if you got your piggies within that time frame. In which case she was already pregnant.

please don’t wait to confirm your other sex. You’re best off learning to do it yourself.

You need to (gently) check for the presence/absence of a penis ridge above the slit - boar. Or check for the presence/absence of a fleshy seal just inside the slit - sow. Have a look at the sexing guide I have linked below.

With regards the territorial mum, there can be a change in Hierarchy when one gives birth. But I would strongly advise you don’t have them together until you have confirmed the sex of piggy two. If it’s a boar you can’t have them together at all, even supervised. Mum will want to be with pup for now so I wouldn’t separate them. When you did it was it on neutral ground or did you just remove the divider? That way lies madness. Re-bonding needs to be on neutral ground - no hay or hides. We can’t tell you if they will go back together again.

If the baby turns out to be a boar, he needs separating from mum at 250g or 3 weeks, whichever comes first. He’s likely a bit young to check now but two weeks is usually a good time to sex them.

If the other is a boar then you will have to keep him and the pup together, as long as they get on. Mum would then have to get a friend of her own. And it would be advisable to either move the boys to a separate room or have them living above the sows. If baby is a sow then you can neuter the boar (from 4 months of age) and bond them 6 weeks after the neutering.

I have never heard of neutering injection for sows. Neutering is for boars and not sows. To be honest I would be reluctant to trust what your vet says given they can’t sex the two piggies you started with. Have a look at the vet locator and perhaps find another vet to go to.

As said I think you need to sex the other piggy sooner rather than later - don’t wait till you can take him/her to a rescue.

Vet Locator
Illustrated Sexing Guide
I agree entirely with everything siikibam has said.

You need to determine the sex of them yourself - please do read the guides siikibam has linked in. You could post a picture of your piggies genitals, but you still need to be able to do the sexing for yourself as us guessing from a photo isn’t reliable. Compare the other piggies to the one you know is definitely female.
If your two older piggies are both sows, then there is no guarantee they will go back together now theyve been separated. We can advise you further on this subject once you have determined the sex other older piggy.
I have never heard of sows being neutered by injection but I have to agree, i would find another vet if they can’t even help you sex your piggies.
Boars are neutered to allow one boar (only) to live with a sow or multiple sows (you can’t keep two boars with a sow as there will be fights). Spaying a sow is a major operation, it isn’t done routinely and is usually only done where there are health problems such as ovarian cysts.
I see you are in Berkshire. i would recommend Jenny Towers in Bracknell as an exceptional Guinea Vet

i use John chitty at Anton Vets in Andover as he is closer to me, he and his team are also very good, he has his own Guineas (all rescues)

Maybe worth a chat with any of these to help you?

i also have never ever heard of a neutering injection, sounds very odd.
I see you are in Berkshire. i would recommend Jenny Towers in Bracknell as an exceptional Guinea Vet

i use John chitty at Anton Vets in Andover as he is closer to me, he and his team are also very good, he has his own Guineas (all rescues)

Maybe worth a chat with any of these to help you?

i also have never ever heard of a neutering injection, sounds very odd.
Pregnancies last 10 weeks on a evade. So count back and see if you got your piggies within that time frame. In which case she was already pregnant.

please don’t wait to confirm your other sex. You’re best off learning to do it yourself.

You need to (gently) check for the presence/absence of a penis ridge above the slit - boar. Or check for the presence/absence of a fleshy seal just inside the slit - sow. Have a look at the sexing guide I have linked below.

With regards the territorial mum, there can be a change in Hierarchy when one gives birth. But I would strongly advise you don’t have them together until you have confirmed the sex of piggy two. If it’s a boar you can’t have them together at all, even supervised. Mum will want to be with pup for now so I wouldn’t separate them. When you did it was it on neutral ground or did you just remove the divider? That way lies madness. Re-bonding needs to be on neutral ground - no hay or hides. We can’t tell you if they will go back together again.

If the baby turns out to be a boar, he needs separating from mum at 250g or 3 weeks, whichever comes first. He’s likely a bit young to check now but two weeks is usually a good time to sex them.

If the other is a boar then you will have to keep him and the pup together, as long as they get on. Mum would then have to get a friend of her own. And it would be advisable to either move the boys to a separate room or have them living above the sows. If baby is a sow then you can neuter the boar (from 4 months of age) and bond them 6 weeks after the neutering.

I have never heard of neutering injection for sows. Neutering is for boars and not sows. To be honest I would be reluctant to trust what your vet says given they can’t sex the two piggies you started with. Have a look at the vet locator and perhaps find another vet to go to.

As said I think you need to sex the other piggy sooner rather than later - don’t wait till you can take him/her to a rescue.

Vet Locator
Illustrated Sexing Guide
Thanks very much for the advice. I have looked at various videos etc. for sexing piggies but I’m not confident and very worried about getting it wrong! I need to gave another good look at piggy 2 but from what I can see so far she looks like a girl 🤔 If this is confirmed and we try to re-bond our original two, we will do A LOT more research - I just thought that as they’d still been side by side they would be ok and were maybe missing each other. Not a mistake we’ll make again! 🤦🏻‍♀️
I see you are in Berkshire. i would recommend Jenny Towers in Bracknell as an exceptional Guinea Vet

i use John chitty at Anton Vets in Andover as he is closer to me, he and his team are also very good, he has his own Guineas (all rescues)

Maybe worth a chat with any of these to help you?

i also have never ever heard of a neutering injection, sounds very odd.
Thanks so much for the vet recommendation, I will give her a try!
Thanks very much for the advice. I have looked at various videos etc. for sexing piggies but I’m not confident and very worried about getting it wrong! I need to gave another good look at piggy 2 but from what I can see so far she looks like a girl 🤔 If this is confirmed and we try to re-bond our original two, we will do A LOT more research - I just thought that as they’d still been side by side they would be ok and were maybe missing each other. Not a mistake we’ll make again! 🤦🏻‍♀️
The guide I linked above is very comprehensive. Check for penis ridge or fleshy seal inside the slit. Check the mum and you can compare your other piggy to her. How old are they?
The guide I linked above is very comprehensive. Check for penis ridge or fleshy seal inside the slit. Check the mum and you can compare your other piggy to her. How old are they?
This one is approximately 20 weeks old. Thanks again for your help!