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Very Swollen And Crusty Eye And Antibiotics Did Nothing.

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New Born Pup
Jun 30, 2016
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I've had my guinea pig for about a month now and since I've had him he's had a very crusty eye and the eyelid is very swollen which makes the eye look much smaller than the other. I took him to the vets as soon as I noticed this and they prescribed eye antibiotics for a week and baytril which did nothing. I went back twice after this and the third time they gave me some eye lubricant and basically told me nothing more can be done and he just has one eye bigger than the other. They did check for corneal ulcers but that came back negative too. I'm really worried about my piggie as it may lead to something bigger if I just leave him.

This is his eye today
Is his eye usually the bluey colour? It is just that it tends to go blue when there is an ulcer but the vet has ruled that out. Did they put the green dye in?

Also, has your vet considered a fungal infection like Ringworm? Does he have any other crusty patches? If it was Ringworm I would have expected it to have got a lot worse after a month though.

What is the name of the drops he has been on?
Is his eye usually the bluey colour? It is just that it tends to go blue when there is an ulcer but the vet has ruled that out. Did they put the green dye in?

Also, has your vet considered a fungal infection like Ringworm? Does he have any other crusty patches? If it was Ringworm I would have expected it to have got a lot worse after a month though.

What is the name of the drops he has been on?

His eye only appears that colour if I put the flash on the camera but he could have developed an ulcer since it was 3 weeks ago he was tested for it.
No, they didn't consider ringworm however, he doesn't seem to have any other patches.

Why it says on the bottle is clorogen eye drops 0.5%

Thank you so much for replying
Definately needs to go back to the vet, maybe anoter for a second opinion. Have them check for any foreign bodies, ulcers, scratches or any signs of persistent infection x
Could you ask your vet to take a sample for eye culture? This can help, as you will know exactly what oral antibiotics and/or antibiotic eye drops will help. They will also be able to see any virsuses/fungus, if any. A fluorescein dye check can also be helpful to rule out corneal wounds.
I agree that it is best to go back to the vets if it has not cleared up. If you could update your location it would give us a better idea of what vets may be in your area.
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