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What can you tell from piggy poop?!

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Ok, I've been talked into putting something together following a number of piggie poop discussions recently. (But really, Jane - having Poo Champ under my name is just going a bit too far!)

So, I need pictures. Can't do this without pictures and I am not taking all the credit for a subject on poop! If you think your piggie's poop is normal or not normal - although as many of the latter as possible! - pictures would prove most useful. I will make a new topic if replies to this one aren't enough. :))

Elliot has some lovely specemins he would like to share with the forum. :))
I'll try and get one of Ollie's as well. He has a tendancy to do poos with tails.
So, I need pictures. Can't do this without pictures and I am not taking all the credit for a subject on poop! If you think your piggie's poop is normal or not normal - although as many of the latter as possible! - pictures would prove most useful. I will make a new topic if replies to this one aren't enough. :))

It's a good thing that digital cameras were invented otherwise we'd all be off down to Boots to get our piggy poop pics developed. :{
I just took a pic of some of Ollie's unhealthy poos but to be honest they are so disgusting I don't know whether to post them or not. :{")
Don't say I didn't warn you! :)>>>

Nice. You need to photo them with a 5p piece or something next to them so we can tell the size. Could you Ollie to do some more please. ha x
Eww they are weird! I haven´t seen nobbly ones mentioned anywhere :{ I like the little hairs wrapped round them for decoraton LOL
OMG this thread has hit a real bum note :(|)

Seriously is there anywhere else in the world this type of thing is shared?
Really interesting & helpful thread!

I noticed tonight that my two boars have started to produce different sized poo - Branston's are very large, whereas Pickle's are quite a bit smaller. Same "quality" as it were, just different sized.

They are both bright and healthy pigs, and shovel food down like there is no tomorrow, but naturally it got me a little concerned.

Pickle is fine, no problems with teeth or appetite as far as I can see, so I can think of only a couple of reasons for this...

1. He's eating different foods to Branston?
2. He's not eating as much as Branston?
3. He's got something up with him?

They both feel fine, and I haven't weighed them yet, but will be doing. Both seem 100% so I guess I'm worrying over nothing?

Any advice from owners of cagemates?
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