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Won't be around much for a few days

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So glad to hear that she's on the mend Deb ;D x x
Mum went downhill a bit last night. She got dehydrated and is now on a drip. All the doc said was that she has had a bleed in her brain and she'll have good days and bad days. yesterday was a bad day apparently. What I want to know is how long this will go on for. Is this for the rest of her life or just until she recovers? ? Getting info out of them is like pulling teeth! >:(
aww big hugs to you lovey.. Doctors .. yes they are so difficult to get any info from.

We're all here for you
Oh, Debbie, I am sorry.
Lots of love to you
Do email me if you would like to
hope your mum has more up days from now on and you are not stressing too much, thinking of you, michelle xx
Mum was a lot brighter yesterday. Sitting up and chatting. She is still being given morphine for the pain though. I suppose we just have to wait and see. The brain is such a complicated area.
Thanks for asking :)
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