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What made you happy today?

This may sound a bit weird but a funeral made me happy today.
An elderly gentleman who had lived a full and rich life, well over 100 people celebrating his life.
That's lovely @Merab's Slave , I think many people forget that dying is just a part of living and a life well lived to a grand old age then a good send off with lots of happy memories is a big achievement.
I remember when my Nana passed away and my Mum had a lot of trouble dealing with it, but she passed peacefully at home just before bad health stopped her enjoying things, having met her 3 great grand children, after a very full life and a long teaching career and lots of community good works in her retirement, the local paper did a double page memoriam article on her life and community contributions, its everything she would have wanted and she had a very strong faith and believed she was going somewhere nice afterwards x
My nappy gurus order turned up. Two brand new reusable nappies (have a few second hand but nice to have one or two brand new), a nappy bucket, reusable wipes, wipes wet bag, dry/wet nappy bag, laundry bags. Only have 10 wipes though, should have ordered more I think :))
I had the feed back from my latest assignment and it was all good! Currently marked at an A for the first section! Didn't even get that in my GCSEs all those ........ Years ago!
💃 woot woot! ✋🏾
I'm happy because my youngest son had the results of his mock A Levels A* in Maths, A* in Further Maths and A in Physics. Just awaiting the results for Computer Science.
I’ve got an interview with the first job I’ve applied for since leaving my old job!
Good luck and hope you’re the woman for the job 🤞🏾