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  1. M

    Can I get a new friend for my sad guinea pig with eye infection?

    Hi all! Since 2.5 week I'm the owner of a sweet 1 year old guinea pig. I adopted her together with a neutered boar from the rescue Unfortunately, within one week she got sick. She had and still has an eye infection. The boar got sick later and got a lung infection, which he sadly passed away...
  2. Lovespigs


    Please help, so I’ve had guinea pigs for a long time, and they’ve always lived in my room in a 2x8 CandC cage. But recently my Mum has decided that they smell to bad and is making me keep them outside and threatening me if I bring them inside. I don’t mind them being outside, they have a very...
  3. L

    Need Advice!

    Hello, I’m recently moving to another country for a year and won’t be able to go back home for a while. My father will be taking care of my 2 Guinea pigs during that time (and he takes wonderful care of them) but the only issue I’m worried about is my Guinea pig nails. My dad is not able to cut...
  4. A

    Bullying or am I overthinking?

    Hi, i am an owner of two boars, one 2 years old and one 8(?) months old, and i have some questions about bonding. these two have been together for almost three months now and everything seemed fine until i noticed Finn, the 8 month old, rumble strutting A LOT. he often tries mounting Paco and...
  5. wheek!guinea


    Hello wonderful fellow piggy owners, I have two 3 year old sweet wonderful boars, both of them turned 3 this year! However, unfortunately Glacier has developed early onset of arthritis in his back and knees. The vet has given him medicine and suggested to keep him in a smaller cage or area so...
  6. D

    Humping and chasing

    Hello! I Am 13 years old and in desperate need of help. My younger guinea pig is chasing my older one and I'm not quite sure what to do.. As of right now I have built a separate C&C cage which is 2x3 to separate younger one. Was this the right decision? He is also humping the older one. he was...
  7. rubberduckytoy

    Timothy Hay Allergy?

    One of my piggies, a 6 year old (though she is very energetic and acts healthy), has been occasionally spitting up a cloudy white liquid after eating hay. It doesn’t happen very often since she tends to favor vegetables and pellets, but every once in a while she’ll start to favor her hay...
  8. B

    Blood out of vulva

    Hi, I'm the owner of two lovely piggies (both female and 6 yo). Around a month ago we noticed small amount of fresh blood coming out of the vulva of one of them. We brought her to a vet specialised in exotics, which proceded to run many tests. She got 3 ultrasounds in the span of a month, each...
  9. MarissaLynne

    Underweight Guinea Pig

    Recently, I got my first scale for my four year old guinea pigs (yay) but as I weighed my them I realized that one of them seems to be at a low weight. My guinea pig Thor weighed in at around 910g but my other guinea pig Loki weighed 830g :(. Do you guys think that I should take them to the vet...
  10. Ellsie1

    Fear of Hay

    My 4 year old GP went for a dental about 2 weeks ago and has done great, he was eating fine after the surgery. (Veg and pellets). However, from him having a sore mouth, I think he still thinks the hay is gonna hurt his mouth, and it’s quite worrying that he’s completely off his hay. He will eat...
  11. mytwomaleguineas

    Help with bonding!

    During the bonding session, my two boars were working perfectly. teeth chattering, butt sniffing, and other normal behaviors. However I did notice whenever I have two water bottles and cookie was drinking out of one, walnut would take the bottle from cookie. If cookie was eating hay, walnut...
  12. mytwomaleguineas

    Help with bonding

    Hi there. I was crying in cookies cage and all of a sudden he started zooming around me. Did I frighten him? And I tried to calm him down and he kept biting the cage bars of walnut’s cage. Recently also, walnut and cookie have been sniffing noses and licking eachother through the bars. Sometimes...
  13. M

    Is my guinea pig in shock? PARALYSED, HIGH ALERT but still BREATHING

    My guineapig was making some noise in the early morning, but I didn't think much of it. Later when I checked her cage, she was PARALYSED though still breathing... it appears one of her front legs has been immobile... my parents are refusing to take my pig to the vet.. Could she possibly be in...
  14. R


    Today I found a weird flesh-like ball in my guinea pigs cage, it’s most likely from Minnie, she has a supposed urine infection/uterus infection we’re not quite sure but she’s on medication to help with the pain and hopefully clear it up. The fleshy mass looked like it came from her body (?) and...
  15. aniasandyogurt

    small v lack beetles

    Hi, I was cleaning out my hairless guinea pigs cage and i noticed 2 black beetles or something. They were relatively small. They didn’t seem harmful. i squashed them and threw them away. My guinea pigs don’t seem to have anything on them and they’re eating happily and popcorning. I was just...
  16. mytwomaleguineas

    Help! Blind guinea pig?

    What do I do? My guinea pig was fine yesterday but today cookie is scared to come out of his cage to his playpen. I thought it could be sound but walnut was perfectly fine. Cookie on the other hand has very watery eyes. Walnut has normal eyes. But I don’t think it’s pain because cookie keeps...
  17. mytwomaleguineas

    Help! Should I be worried?

    Hello! My guinea pig likes stretching out after a little nap or when being petted. He’s a little chubbier than “normal” piggies and when he stretched out I noticed this there’s a little wider part. When my two piggies started arguing, it led to a fight and cookie was probably grooming himself a...
  18. D

    Help my darwin

    Hi, my guinea pig Darwin was the runt of the group. He is shy of turning 1, but there has been some issues. He keeps falling over to 1 side, doesnt seem to be able to keep his balance, he has been puffing up his coat and quivering and chattering his teeth and just feels like something is...
  19. Rustieboi22

    Moving to different house / room (HELP!)

    Hello, budding Guinea Pig owners here! :nod: We haven't gotten our piggy yet but we will be getting it next week once we properly set up the cage (2x5 c&c) my room is going to be under renovation in a few months, so I was planning to move it to my boyfriend house for the time being till the...
  20. S

    What should I do

    Today one of my guinea pigs popcorned too high and bumped his head against a set of drawers. After he done this he waddled 2 steps in front of himself then fell too the floor. I panicked and scooped him up checking his head and body, there was no visible injuries. 5 minutes later he seemed back...