
  1. C

    What does Piggie Hooting mean?

    Hello, one of my piggies started hooting today and it was just so loud that I became concerned. They haven't done it before, but they do occasionally cough when eating. Should I be concerned or is this a normal behavior? (Sorry, I've only had my piggies for about a month)
  2. teatime

    Relocation & Fighting

    Hi all - I’m hoping for some help. Last weekend (Apr 20th) I had to move my two male piggies’ cage to a different room in my house, and ever since then the more dominant one (French Fry) has been quite aggressive in his chasing and vocalizing towards his companion (Peanut). Background: I’ve had...
  3. wheek!guinea

    Bar biting concern

    Worried about bar biting. My boars are currently in a 2x8 C&C set up, split in half 2x4 each from their original layout. Glacier (3yo boar) has IVDD or early onset of arthritis in his back, knees, and spine (the vets aren’t really sure which one or if both) they absolutely have to be separated...
  4. I

    guinea pig scared and not moving to eat hay, feed or vegetables.

    Hi guys, my guinea pig is very scared, he doesn't want to walk, he just wants to stay huddled in the corner of the enclosure or inside a burrow, he gets scared of everything and doesn't want to walk to eat. What can it be? I know that if it persists I should go to the vet but I would like to...
  5. wheek!guinea

    Drinking from bowl now

    I replaced one of my piggies water bottle since it was old and leaky before but noticed he hasn’t been drinking from it. I tested it and have seen him take 1-2 sips from it, but noticed by the end of the day there was little drank from it which is not like him. He’s usually going through water...
  6. Hundo

    After seperation Guinea is scared of people (Possible TW bad handling)

    Hi all, I'm going to leave a trigger warning for bad, some may call it horrible handling out before posting but this is going to be a post more about my own mistake or mistakes with handling guinea pigs as a new owner. I say "my" because my girlfriend wasn't involved in any of it. We ended up...
  7. S

    Piggies not getting on.

    Hi I need some advice. Our two boys do not seem to be getting on at the moment, they are constantly arguing with eachother. The only time they don’t seem to argue is when they are eating. They rumble and wiggle their bums which I know is a dominance thing, but then it gets louder and results...
  8. Irisandivysmommy

    Bonding/sharing process

    I have two piggies that came from the same place. Iris is very shy & timid and Ivy is assertive & dominant. They have only been together 6-7 days now but bonding has started. Ivy will kick Iris out of the Hidy or nose bud when they are having veggies. Over then that they cool down & chill...
  9. elena

    Guinea Pigs are being EXTREMELY LOUD lately! (why?)

    Hi everyone! I have been surprised about my guinea pigs behavior this last couple of weeks if not months. For context I have four male guinea pigs; An adult and a 4 months old live together, the other two adults live separated while I try bonding between them.. So basically a big cage (2x4)...
  10. C

    HELP! - Boar with Sows; Boar Bullying :(

    We adopted 5 guinea pigs, and one ended up being pregnant with one little boy. We named him Little Man and kept him seperate until he could be neutered. He is neutered and healed and we introduced him to the herd. They took a couple days to rerank themselves, which is always a hard transition...
  11. V

    New Guinea Pig Advice

    Hi there, I bought 2 guinea pigs a week and a half ago! They’re 8&9 weeks old. I left them in their hutch to adjust for 4-5 days, they started hand feeding on the 4th day (just through the hutch wire) and for the last couple of days I open the doors and they take food straight from my hand and...
  12. Short Shadow

    Not the same after fireworks

    Hi All, I am worried about one of my piggs. Gio is usually is a very spunky, talkative and playful little guy but last night was his first time experiencing fireworks. It was VERY bad this year with the illegal ones! We had all the doors and windows closed with 5 industrial fans running to try...
  13. jessiejazz

    Teeth Chattering

    Hi all! I just recently adopted a new guinea pig from a guinea pig rescue -- they observed him to be happier when alone in a cage as opposed to with a companion so they asked that I adopt him out on his own, though I'm home all the time with virtual schooling and work from home, so he's going to...
  14. S

    Biting baby guinea pig

    Hello, I hope someone can give me some advice. I have a 13 week old Peruvian sow. I’ve had her for just over a month end she’s always been very hyperactive (even when I bought her home she was climbing the cage like a spider pig) Over the last 2 weeks she’s started frequently nipping (she’s...
  15. nonscripta

    Double Checking Normal Behaviour

    Hiya! My boys are about 2 and a half months old now; I just wanted to make sure I've nothing to worry about in their behaviour. For background, they have a two story cage that's about 1.5 by .5 metres, but they're only in there at night. In the day they can freely wander a large section of the...
  16. Y

    Sheep has been acting weird lately...

    My sweet boy Sheep (he's a male, about a year and a half old) has been acting completely unlike himself lately. He's never been a huge fan of being picked up, but lately he either sits there & chatters his teeth if you're anywhere near him or he looks terrified all the time. He won't stop hiding...
  17. wheek!guinea

    shy guinea pig

    I have 2 boars, both almost the same age by a few weeks. I got Glacier when he was 3 months and Koji when he was 5 months. Glacier has always been outgoing and not afraid of loud noises or people approaching him, he's curious and gets a lot of zoomies. Koji is the opposite. Even if I approach...
  18. B

    Pig won't stop squeaking

    My guinea pig Bisky (3 and a half years old) has had some kidney issues this past year. She's had some UTI's and has been on antibiotics, and most recently, probiotics to aid her gut health. She's always been a squeaky pig, but as soon as we got her off the probiotic she's been squeaking bloody...
  19. C.Courtney0310

    Shy Piggie Becoming Dominant?

    Hi guys I'm kind of confused since I got my piggies about a month ago and I'm pretty sure they were really young(I got them at a pet store) since they were about 310gs, but werent underweight, I checked their ribs to make sure. They're now about 430gs and I'm pretty sure they're in the teenager...
  20. R

    Do my Guinea Pig's get along?

    I have two young Guinea Pigs, one boy and one girl, and two newly adopted older girl Guinea Pigs. they live in the same enclosure, and I am just wondering if what I am seeing is normal herd behavior or if it is a cause for worry. The young boy rumble struts a lot. Him and one of the older girls...