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  1. teatime

    Relocation & Fighting

    Hi all - I’m hoping for some help. Last weekend (Apr 20th) I had to move my two male piggies’ cage to a different room in my house, and ever since then the more dominant one (French Fry) has been quite aggressive in his chasing and vocalizing towards his companion (Peanut). Background: I’ve had...
  2. N

    Is this normal?

    Hi I have 3 girl guinea pigs that i’ve had for a couple of years now, tonight it seems like 1 pig is winding the other 2 up, they keep chasing eachother and squealing, I would of thought they were in season but she’s not been purring or doing her usual bum wiggling, is this normal? they don’t...
  3. hayleejes

    Bonding advice

    Hello! I have 3 male Guinea pigs and I’m looking for advice on their housing/relationship situation. First of all, I’ve got two together and the third pig is by himself (right next to the other cage, they still interact!) Two of my boys have been together from the start, over a year old now. One...
  4. Mh29

    Are my Guinea pigs getting along?

    Hi, looking for some quick advice. I got 2 Guinea pigs yesterday. (Both female, roughly 12 weeks). All day yesterday they didn’t come out from the little houses. Today they have been exploring the cage, eating and drinking and running around. I have noticed today that they appear to be chasing...
  5. D

    Humping and chasing

    Hello! I Am 13 years old and in desperate need of help. My younger guinea pig is chasing my older one and I'm not quite sure what to do.. As of right now I have built a separate C&C cage which is 2x3 to separate younger one. Was this the right decision? He is also humping the older one. he was...
  6. N

    Teeth chattering and chasing

    Hi, 1 week ago I adopted 2 boars, two year olds and already bonded. One of them had been consistently asserting dominance and the other pig doesn't seem to question it. The dominant pig is constantly chasing the other, and though they aren't fighting, the non dominant piggie is teeth chattering...
  7. B

    Annoying guinea pig

    I have these two pigs that are together and recently one of them has been chasing the other around the cage, circling her, stopping her from eating/drinking and chasing her around it's clear my other guinea pig is pretty much annoyed and over her by now because she also runs off and tries to...
  8. G

    Two of my boar trio are fighting - need advice!

    I've had three lovely boy guinea pigs since they were about 2 months old, they are now around 3-4 months old and we've kept them together for about a month and a half without issue. Two of the pigs have started fighting. There was a big fight between the two out of nowhere and blood was drawn -...
  9. plantandpiggiemom

    Barbering sow with rising aggression over being near other sow

    Hello, a few weeks ago I posted on here because of rumble-strutting and super territorial behavior in one of our adolescent sows towards the other. We have two girls in the proper sized cage, with three kinds of hides that have multiple entrances, 3 hay feeding areas, 2 water bottles, chews...
  10. Louisemck312

    Teeth chattering

    Hi everyone, I have had my 2 female 10 month old guinea pigs for a week now, they’ve settled in well and have been getting on great but today I noticed they’ve been chattering their teeth quite a bit at eachother, which is sometimes followed by them chasing one another and just seeming pretty...
  11. B

    Bonding and bullying

    Hello! I'm a fairly new guinea pig owner (going on a few months) and despite reading a lot of things, something is still bugging me about what's going on. I have one piggy tgat I've had for 5 months, and one that's a little younger who we just got 1 month ago. Two girls. The bonding went as...
  12. Y

    3 boars - 10 months of fall outs HELP!

    This is a long story so I’ll try to keep it as brief as possible... I have 3 boars, one who is ~3 1/2 years old (Garf) and two others who are 1 3/4 years old (Ozzy and Ted). Originally Garf lived with another guinea pig who sadly died, so I got Ozzy and Ted to keep him company (this was about 1...
  13. F

    Constant rumble strutting

    Hello, I have a 10 month male guinea pig (Pepper) and we have followed advice to bond him to a younger male, Noodle (4 months). The initial meetings went well and they moved in to their C&C cage together a few days ago. Since there Pepper has been constantly chasing and rumble strutting after...
  14. K

    Bull laying down and chirping after fight

    I have 2 males 1 older than the other not related I was petting both at same time and they smaller pig started humping the bigger one which led to a scuffle and the older one chased and humping the little one (I assume getting his dominence back) But now he is lying down and chirping and...
  15. S

    dominance or agression in 2 sows

    About two weeks ago i bought two sows from the same litter. by now theyre about 7-8 weeks old (I'm not exactly sure how old they were when i got them). They're very frightened and hide most of the time I'm home, but will occasionally come out and eat if i dont make too much noise or any big...
  16. A

    Bonding Boars Day 8 - Bite on Ear

    Hi, today is Day 8 of the bonding process of our two boars. Quite still in the dominance phase. Woke up this morning and inspected the piggies for bites and scratches and found the submissive one (Georgie) with a decent bite out of his ear. (see picture) I know that ear nibbling is part of the...
  17. cvrley

    Won’t stop humping

    Hi everyone. I have a guinea pig who tries to hump all the time. His name is trixie & he is a male who’s almost a year old. He lives in a huge cage with a male bunny and a 6-7 week old male guinea pig. They all get along great & they never have fought but Trixie will chase the baby around for...
  18. A

    What's Normal? - Day 2 of Bonding Boars

    Hi all! We had the opportunity to bring home another buddy for our loner boar. Both are teenage boars (I know, not the ideal time to bond) Following the bonding/intro forum on this blog, I'd say the intros went pretty well. They spent about 4 hours in their intro area before being moved back to...
  19. KaylaT4403

    Females sniffing and rumblestrutting

    So my guinea pig Penelope (female) has been rumble strutting near my other female guinea pig Luna. Whenever she gets near her she does it. She then chases her around the cage until Luna gets irritated and chases her off. Penelope is constantly sniffing her butt. Luna throws her butt in the air...
  20. A

    Boar Chasing - How much is too much?

    Hello, I have two bonded boars who are just over 3 years old. Trying to add a third to the mix (Fabio, ~6 months old). The introductions went well. The dominant pig (Boe) did his thing and was good to go. His bonded mate (Joey) was relatively subdued during the initial introductions. After a nap...