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  1. smithsr05

    Really Affectionate Super Pig

    Hi All, Since Larry has been with us she's got more and more comfortable, to the point now where she completely trusts us (we got her at 8 week old, she'll be about 17 week old now). She is definitely the most unique and loving pig we have and seems to be a complete daredevil, Larry loves...
  2. E

    Bite Mark?

    Hi there, I keep four boys in a very large cage. Three stay together and have grown up together. They are very happy. I have a separation between them and a fourth older boy who has lived alone his whole life. They enjoy to kiss each other through the separation gate but I don’t plan on keeping...
  3. Celine298

    My Little Blob Of Fluff

    Just a few pics of my munchkin, Sunny, and me. He loves snoozing in his hay on warm days because the sun shines into his cage in the afternoon. He's also quite fond of sucking our fingers during cuddle time He's a nine months old abby who's addicted to kale ❤
  4. hzlhrst

    Cheeky Piggies :)

    I could swear my boys wait until the moment I get into bed at night to start playing with their crumpled paper! Do any of your fur babies have cheeky or annoying habits? :yikes: