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  1. Swissgreys

    Goodbye Eddi

    On Friday morning we said goodby to our dear pirate pig Eddi. From the day we bought him home he was always a huge personality combined with a sweet and gentle soul. He was our first boar, and introduced us to the wonderful world of rumble strutting. He loved blueberries, huge piles of hay...
  2. Swissgreys

    The Monster in the Garden by Eddi

    WARNING - photos of a graphic nature below - sensitive guinea pigs may want to look away now. Today a very alarming thing happened in our home. The littlest slave (my favorite one) had been out all morning doing something special in the snow. It was all a bit confusing to be honest, but she...
  3. Swissgreys

    Holidays by Eddi

    The slaves have just got home from a place called ‘holiday’. Holiday is a funny place, because before they go they are very excited and say things like ‘I can’t wait to go on holiday’, and when they get back they seem tired and grumpy and say things like ‘I can’t believe how much washing we...
  4. Swissgreys

    Share you Christmas Lists Forum Piggies by Eddi

    Dear Fellow Forum Piggies, I have decided that we should post our Christmas Lists here, to give our slaves some help working out what we really want for Christmas. If you are like me you are lucky enough to have good slaves, but even though they try hard, sometimes that isn't quite enough. For...
  5. Swissgreys

    Tomorrow is 'Boot Day' by Eddi

    Dear Fellow Forum Piggies. I thought I should pop in to remind all of you that tomorrow is 'Boot Day'. Boot Day is a very special day, which I only found about about becasue my little slave is amazing and always doing kind things for me. The big slave (the boring one) probably would never have...
  6. Swissgreys

    Blueberries by Eddi

    Today I had 3 blueberries. They were very big blueberries and they were wonderful. The big slave said I could only have 1 blueberry, but then both of the little slaves snuck back and gave me one more each. I was very happy. I love blueberries. Love Eddi x
  7. Swissgreys

    Finally another Boy by Eddi

    It has been a strange couple of months in our house. Firstly poor Ruby was very ill. :no: She had to go to the vets a lot, and have lots of special food, and even then she wouldn't eat by herself. That part was actually quite nice because it meant there were lots of treats all the time, because...
  8. Swissgreys

    The Stages Of Guinea Pig Ownership By Eddi

    I have noticed there are a lot of new arrivals on the Forum lately, so I thought it was only fair for me to let all the unsuspecting guinea pigs know what awaits you. I now refer to this as the 'Ownership Stages'. In our house it looked like this. Stage 1 - newly arrived guinea pigs. Owner: Oh...
  9. Swissgreys

    The Weather By Eddi

    I am a bit confused about the weather right now. The big slave (the boring one) keeps bellowing dull things like 'Close the door - I'm not paying to heat the whole of Switzerland you know'. She also keeps making ridiculous excuses about the lack of fresh grass too. Last week there was fresh...
  10. Swissgreys

    I Don't Think She Is Doing Homework...

    Ah the joy of pre-teen children in the house. Me: DD1 I think before you settle down to cuddle Ruby, you should probably get your homework finished. DD1: It's ok. I am doing my homework. Me: Really? Because from where I am standing it looks like you are cuddling Ruby, and I am fairly sure...
  11. Swissgreys

    Oreo Is Lost By Eddi

    Help! Oreo is missing. I've looked everywhere for her and I can't find her. :no: I know she jumped on my head yesterday, but I really miss her. If something happens to Oreo, who will listen to my endless manly rumble strutting? But while I wait for Oreo to be found I am just going to...
  12. Swissgreys

    My New Hat By Eddi

    Today I got a lovely new hat. I think I look very handsome in it. Plus the slaves feed me blueberries when I wear it, which makes it even nicer. It's funny how sometimes all you have to do is sit still and then you get blueberries and a nice hat. Thank you @Squeakz for sending it to me.
  13. Swissgreys

    Holidays By Eddi

    So my slaves have recently been away on holiday. A holiday is when they go somewhere that isn’t here, and someone else comes here to look after us. It’s all a bit strange really. Where do they go? Plus holidays don’t seem like a nice thing, because the big slave is always so grumpy after the...
  14. Swissgreys

    But Who Will Cuddle Ruby?

    I was in the kitchen tonight, and DD1 wandered in with a note book and pencil. DD1: Mum, what are your plans for tomorrow? Me: Well once you girls are in school I will work for a couple of hours, then cook lunch, and in the afternoon I am hoping to do some sewing, but will probably end up doing...
  15. Swissgreys

    My Primark Bag By Eddi

    My slaves have been away on holiday. They went to 'The Land of Primark Bags'. Apparently the little slaves think it is a wonderful place, and keep talking about something called 'fish and chips'. The big slave (the boring one) keeps muttering about what a waste of time it was to pack sun cream...
  16. Swissgreys

    When You Don't Want To Get Out Of Bed!

    Lucy is not my most active piggy at the best of times, but today she had managed to get her favorite sleeping platform right under the window with a nice cool breeze, and was clearly feeling very lazy and relaxed. While she was snoozing I filled the hay bags, which is always a big highlight of...
  17. Swissgreys

    When The Weather Is Hot...

    Today it is going to be very, very hot here in Switzerland. Apparently it will be something called 32 degrees, which seems to be sending the big slave into some kind of ridiculous panic. She is rushing around opening and closing windows and shutters on different sides of the house, and keeps...
  18. Swissgreys

    Oreo Broke The Tunnel By Eddi

    A terrible thing happened in our home today. Oreo and I were out enjoying some grass time (that isn't the terrible part by the way) and we were both very happy. When we have grass time we like to eat a little, and then chase each other and popcorn. This is how happy grass time makes us. I was...
  19. Swissgreys

    The Strawberry House By Eddi

    Dear Oreo, Overall I do like living with you, particularly when there are big loud thunderstorms and I can rush to comfort you in a very manly way. Because I am manly, and I am never scared. But we need to talk about the pink strawberry house. This house is mine, and I like to sleep in it in a...
  20. Swissgreys

    Filling The Hay Bags (or Not).

    The girls come home from school for lunch 2 hours, and as it doesn't take them that long to eat, they both usually do something with the guinea pigs or rabbits over that time (in addition to cuddling them). Today DD1 was supposed to clean out the hay trays and fill the hay bags. She did the hay...