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  1. OrlandoPigMom

    Post 4 member all female herd attack

    On Saturday there was a horrific attack on our herd of four. While pet sitting for a friend’s dog who was supposedly secured in a large metal pen and our herd was in an appropriate enclosure in a room with a door that was secured I had to run to the store. I had no worries about this as all of...
  2. Cryptillian

    I miss them so much

    I lost all 4 of my seniors within the past year, ages 6-8. I am losing my grandma and one of our dogs has a huge tumor on her throat, cancer is most likely taking everything from me this year. I just wanted to say with our dogs, they are both seniors and disabled and the female was rescued from...
  3. Lunapxggies


    Hello, Last night around midnight I lost my girl river who i had for only 4 years. I think she passed from an unrecognized URI…she had a cage mate rouge who is not even a year old yet. I am not sure when the right time to get rouge a new cage mate would be. She is a very social piggie (with...
  4. JordyW

    Missing my baby Junior

    My sweet little Junior (Black and white Crested) passed away 2 days ago on February 13th. He was 4 1/2 years old. We don't know what happened. He was fine last week as far as we could tell, but then over the weekend he stopped eating and drinking and began to seclude himself from us and his cage...
  5. Lunapxggies

    Goodnight Nymphy

    This evening me and my vet made the terrifying decision to put my sweet angel girl Nymphy to sleep. She was almost 8 and suffering from some type of neurological problems where there was no way to treat her and the best option for her overall well being was to put her to sleep. This post is to...
  6. elena

    Palliative Care Advice

    Hey everyone! I will try to keep this short. But my beloved guinea pig Picasso, who would be turning 6 on November 18, won't stay much longer with me. Pls before reading keep in mind he is the first guinea pig I ever had and the first one I will be ever saying goodbye. I noticed he stopped...
  7. Gons

    Lonely guinea pig

    Is it best to get a new pig or leave Snake on his own? Unfortunately, we woke to find one of our guinea pigs (Mash) dead this morning. Now we only have one pig (Snake). Even with Mash, Snake was quite shy and it was obvious he followed Mash and was made confident by Mash. I'm wondering if we...
  8. Wetherill


    I posted the other day about my sweet angel Lionel being euthanized this coming Monday. Unfortunately, I found my sweet baby after he had passed peacefully in the night early this morning. He was laying snuggled up beside his hay rack—I hope he was comfortable, with a full belly, and felt safe...
  9. RheMae

    Guinea pig won't stop scratching, don't want to stress him too badly!

    Hi all. Me again. I hope it's okay, I've read so much, and it helps to get advice from other piggy parents. So I started with 3 boys, Judo, Guts, and Bert. Judo passed away after a trip to the ER, I believe due to gut stasis I wasn't informed of. I scheduled an appointment for Guts the same...
  10. peachynpigs

    One of my guinea pigs died, what should I do with my lone one?

    I adopted a pair of male guinea pigs a few months ago, and one of them, the less dominant one, suddenly stopped eating and in less than 3 days, sadly passed away. the other piggie has been eating and drinking water, acting normally, even a bit more cuddly; I know they have to live in 2+ so I was...
  11. Nutmegandnugget

    Nugget 🖤

    My baby, Nugget, passed away yesterday, he was the loudest little guy, super ticklish and obsessed with Parsley. He helped me during a time when I was struggling the most and his death hurts so much. His brother Nutmeg is left behind and I'm making sure he is eating, drinking etc but he...
  12. Sophsin

    My guinea pig crossed the rainbow bridge last night

    I’ve been crying all day yesterday and today. And i feel like no one cares because “its just a guinea pig” Her name is Guppy and she was 5 years old and had her for 4 years. She was my best friend and i first got her at a very low point in my life, and having her helped me so much mentally, now...
  13. lauryn1289

    Pig died suddenly, confused if I made the right decisions

    Hi, I’m not sure if this is the right place to post so sorry if it’s not. My pigs, Rico and Kip had been cagemates since 2017. I got Rico in 2016 and think he was around 6. Very suddenly a few days ago he stopped eating and was very inactive, we brought him to the vet who said it seems like...
  14. Bayberrybae

    Hooting noises

    Hi! Sarah here. You may have seen me recently post a thread on my boar who just passed, Ozzy, and his situation. Well, now we're having another one. Up til now this year, I have sadly lost 3 pigs. 2 babies, and my boar I mentioned. Both babies passed due to bad accidents and were not...
  15. Fandoq

    My guinea pig died yesterday

    Hello. I'm new here and I'm not sure how this works. But I have to write or I'm gonna explode. My guinea pig "Fandoq" ( which means hazelnut in English) died yesterday. He had kidney stones and he's been taking medications for a month or so. He refused to eat and he lost his appetite but I gave...
  16. M

    Why did my guinea pig die?

    My guinea pig was young and active one day but the next day I saw her sitting in her cage not moving but heart beating heavily. She didn’t even move when I got the hay out which usually gets her excited to be fed.. We tried taking her to a vet but there was only one exotic pet vet close by and...
  17. C

    Will guinea pigs grieve for their owner?

    I have recently become very sick and might pass away. Although i know my piggies will be taken care of if i pass, I wanted to know whether they'll grieve my death. I don't even know if they'll know that I passed, however it worries me that they would have to suffer. I am quite young, so...
  18. Vicvac28

    Delayed Grieving?

    I lost one of my beautiful boys to GDV on Monday, having to make the heartbreaking decision to have him put to sleep to end his pain. Now I have one piggie, Rex, all on his own suddenly. He got on really well with Houdini, was bossy but they rarely fought and I’d frequently see him grooming his...
  19. Kaila

    Loss of a pig

    Hi everyone, I have had to make the decision to put my 5 year old boar to sleep this evening. He was suffering with kidney disease and had deteriorated very quickly in a matter of hours. I am heartbroken. I know I need to bring him home and give his brother the chance to say his goodbyes. I...
  20. B


    hi, my guinea pig died about 5 days ago now, and i just feel awful for the cagemate she's left behind. as far as i know she isn't experiencing acute pining. she's fine with walking around the cage, drinking and eating, but seeing her alone in there just breaks my heart since she's never been a...