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My guinea pig crossed the rainbow bridge last night


New Born Pup
Aug 29, 2022
Reaction score
United States
I’ve been crying all day yesterday and today. And i feel like no one cares because “its just a guinea pig” Her name is Guppy and she was 5 years old and had her for 4 years. She was my best friend and i first got her at a very low point in my life, and having her helped me so much mentally, now that she’s gone I feel empty. I can’t stop crying. I cried way more about Guppy than i did at my grandma’s funeral lol. I never experienced a loss of a pet before. I just need some supporting words and virtual hugs
I’m so sorry to hear about sweet Guppy; it’s so unfair that piggies live such (comparably) short lives. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way.
Aww I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Guppy, it is so hard losing our sweet babies, they are so small but leave a big hole in our hearts when the rainbow bridge calls.

I've been through this pain 17 times so far in my life and you'd think it would get easier, but it doesn't, so I completely understand what you're going through, especially if you had a strong bond with her which you clearly did.

Make sure to look after yourself as you grieve, losing a pet is no different to a family member or friend, we grieve for them in the same way and it hurts just as much.

Rest in peace sweet Guppy, I hope my Lottie and Melody (who are my special girls that I lost recently) will be there waiting to greet Guppy and they will popcorn together happy and pain free.

So very sorry you lost Guppy.
They may be small but piggies occupy a huge part of our hearts.
There is no such thing as ‘only a guinea pig’ - they are all unique and special characters
Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself time to grieve
Big virtual hugs to you, it's so hard to lose a beloved pet and friend.
Guppy will be watching over you for sure 🌈❤️
I’m so sorry you have lost Guppy. She sounded like a very special girl. She will be with you always in your heart and your memories. She is popcorning pain free over the bridge. Sending you a big hug 🤗. They are definitely not ‘just a guinea pig’. Take care ❤️
I’m so sorry you lost your little soul mate Guppy, sending you big hugs. Losing a pet can be just/more as painful than a human sometimes because of the care and love you gave them. In time you will be able to think of Guppy without the pain and feel so happy that you shared part of your life with her, in the meantime look after yourself :hug:

Sleep tight little lady 🌈
Everyone on here knows just how special piggies are and what a big space in our hearts they fill. Never are they "just a guinea pig". I am so sorry you have lost your beautiful friend and are in so much pain. Sending hugs x
So sorry to hear you lost your Guppy. She lived to a good age with you and must have had a good little life. I've had piggies for many years and am now on 12, 14 and 15 and it doesn't get any easier when they go. They share our joy and sorrow as much as anyone else. You're in the right place to meet people who know there's no such thing as 'just' a guinea-pig. We'll all go one day, we all end up in the same place, it's just that us humans take a little longer to get there. It will get easier with time. Take care of yourself x
Aww I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Guppy, it is so hard losing our sweet babies, they are so small but leave a big hole in our hearts when the rainbow bridge calls.

I've been through this pain 17 times so far in my life and you'd think it would get easier, but it doesn't, so I completely understand what you're going through, especially if you had a strong bond with her which you clearly did.

Make sure to look after yourself as you grieve, losing a pet is no different to a family member or friend, we grieve for them in the same way and it hurts just as much.

Rest in peace sweet Guppy, I hope my Lottie and Melody (who are my special girls that I lost recently) will be there waiting to greet Guppy and they will popcorn together happy and pain free.

Thank you 🥹❤️
So very sorry you lost Guppy.
They may be small but piggies occupy a huge part of our hearts.
There is no such thing as ‘only a guinea pig’ - they are all unique and special characters
Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself time to grieve
Thank you 💕
I’m so sorry you have lost Guppy. She sounded like a very special girl. She will be with you always in your heart and your memories. She is popcorning pain free over the bridge. Sending you a big hug 🤗. They are definitely not ‘just a guinea pig’. Take care ❤️
Thank you 🙏🏽 ❤️
I’m so sorry you lost Guppy. She will always be in your heart and with you.
She was living her best life with you and made a huge difference to your life.
We know the intense love, fun, joy and companionship our piggies give us and when they leave us they do leave an emptiness in our lives. Everyone here understands and has been thru this.
Look after yourself and keep talking to us - sending you a BIG hug 💔🥰