
  1. I


    So yesterday my guinea pig died. I thought I’d come here to find out what caused the death because I completely could not understand what has happened and I thought somebody here would know. I found him outside in his run collapsed on the floor. I immediately carried him inside, he was still...
  2. wheek!guinea

    Bar biting concern

    Worried about bar biting. My boars are currently in a 2x8 C&C set up, split in half 2x4 each from their original layout. Glacier (3yo boar) has IVDD or early onset of arthritis in his back, knees, and spine (the vets aren’t really sure which one or if both) they absolutely have to be separated...
  3. alice0

    Guinea pig with splayed legs

    Hello, I have two guinea pigs, one of whom sits oddly, with her legs out as though she's doing the splits. She also cannot run very well compared to the other guinea pig and walks a bit like a frog with her legs splayed out. She hasn't always done it, only from the age of about 2. I have taken...
  4. P

    Thinning fur on back

    Hi guys, My lovely teddy sow seems to be missing some of her fur on her back / rump area. I haven’t really seen her itching or anything so don’t know if it could be mites. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas?
  5. M

    medical advice for 4 y/o male piggy

    Hi friends, I am a first time pig mom and have fell in love with my pigs in ways that I can’t describe. Recently, my first pig I adopted took a visit to the vet. Let me disclose that this was supposed to be a wellness check, I had heard sporadic sneezing but never consistent and I just wanted...
  6. Rat and guinea winnie

    Weird flaky skin on hairless guinea pig

    I got some hairless guinea pigs about two months ago from a seller who breeds them and one of them came with what looks like toilet paper skid marks if that makes sense on its back, I thought i wiped it off with a damp cloth but it returned one it dried but this time it was flaky I looked it up...
  7. ChantelleD

    Cherry eye?

    Hey everyone! My girl Penelope came up with this pink lump on the inner corner of her eye on Thursday, it came up overnight! We went to the vets yesterday, he thought it may be similar to cherry eye in dogs? He has prescribed her maxitrol ointment 4 times a day for 7-10 days to see if it brings...
  8. Rivendellelf

    Post op piggie help

    Hi, I just needed some advice on my piggie who had an op on Thursday to remove an abscess. Thursday night, I syringe fed her through the night. She made it through and then began to start tiny amounts of food herself on Friday. Ate quite well and I stopped the syringe feeding. Saturday- she had...
  9. Xmolxlie

    Renal failure in guinea pigs

    Hi, My guinea pig Foxy is 4 1/2 years old, and in the last couple of days he’s seemed to lose interest in food and not be as bothered about even his favourite veggies, he’ll have a few small bites and give up. He’s also been more lethargic and sleeping in his safe space that he enjoys. I was...
  10. baleofhay


    Hi guys, long time no post. I am here posting as tomorrow my very dear boar named Russell will be going under to have his spleen taken out. A lot of tests over the past couple weeks have showed that his spleen was enlarged and an aspirate biopsy showed tumour cells. After weighing up pros and...
  11. Z

    I'm really worried about my new guinea pig

    I already posted about this but I just want to be sure, Percy has one sort of flaky ear and the inside seems to be scabbed. is this the start of something like ringworm? or is it just excess wax from his ear? I've been on edge these past 2 days because I don't know what to do about the whole...
  12. Laurenmay

    Where can I get the best F10 solutions?

    Hi everyone, my Vet has told me that my pig needs nebulizing with F10 ready-made antiseptic solution however I'm a bit of a lost cause on where to get the solution from. If anyone has any recommendations they would be very much appreciated. :D
  13. G

    Medical advice for eye injury.

    This pig was attacked by her sister and bit around her eye. Does anyone have any medical advice? Does it look serious enough to take her to the vet? Is there anything we could do to prevent an infection? Please help! (Note: the wound did seem to scab although she is itching at it and she does...
  14. A

    Help Needed - Male cavy making ODD new sound - Has anyone heard this?

    VIDEO HERE, SOUND IS AT 2 SECOND MARK The sound in question happens at about the 2 second mark in the video I posted above. The sound is coming from the white guinea pig To elaborate, my guinea pig is a male and about 3.5 years old, with no prior medical problems. I heard him make this noise...
  15. Kiki_mushu_winry

    Young pig with bad dandruff

    Hello all. I have a 9 month old American roan girl (Winry, photo for cute tax) who’s been having really bad dandruff. She lives with my two other 1.5yo girls who do not have any skin issues at all. I got her from a private breeder in January 2020 at 8 weeks. At first I thought it might be...
  16. T

    Question about Bloating Medication

    Hello All, We took Chai to an emergency care center as I suspected she had a case of bloating. They gave her injections of Reglan (Metoclopromide) and buprenorphine. They told us they did not have the oral version of Reglan and to consult with our vet for a prescription. I have been reading the...
  17. jesse1234

    strange behaviour in my piggie

    hi, new here, just looking for some advice. i have a 2 year old rescued guinea pig named oswald, and he has been concerning me for he past hour or so. he's never had any health issues or concerns prior. when he's eating his hay, not when eating pepper or anything else, he makes a sort of low...
  18. heejung

    Help! Something stuck on coat near mouth.

    I just discovered this thing on my guinea pig’s chin. At first, I thought it was vegetable juice that hardened his fur again. But then I looked closer and thought maybe a piece of food or something was stuck. But it doesn’t look like food and I can’t get it out. It’s solid and hard and seems to...
  19. Piggiesxoxo

    Help! Guinea pig’s foot!

    I just noticed this on my guinea pigs foot I got yesterday. What is it? is it contagious? to humans, pigs, both? Need to know asap. Begging, please help!
  20. Potatoandwombat

    Help! Odd Wound On Genitals?

    I recently bought a guinea pig infested with ringworms, this was on purpose because his owner were going to throw him away. I have been treating the fungus with Conzol 1% and started treatment two days ago. However a couple hours ago I found an odd mark on Charlie's testacies. It looks red and...