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  1. B

    Do my pigs need to be separated?

    We rescued two boy piggies about four months ago. Generally they were fine until about a week ago where one of them (Troy) now is always rumble strutting and chasing the other (Atlas). He then mounts his head and potentially starts chewing his ears, although it’s hard to tell because Atlas ears...
  2. N

    New Behaviour (Mounting)

    Hello, I have 2 boars, one 3 and one 2. We have recently moved home a month ago and they are in a new environment and a new slightly smaller cage (they were in a 3 X 4 c&c but now on a 2 X 4, I know it's minimum but it's temporary until I can build them a custom size). Anyway, today I have...
  3. dabel101

    Sow Mounting

    Hello, i have three sow guinea pigs, two 9 month olds and a 5 month old. I have had the two 9 month old sows for almost seven months now. I had to re-bond them as i was given a pregnant sow, Doris, at first and she was separated when having her babies. The bonding went well overall, they are...
  4. nonscripta

    Double Checking Normal Behaviour

    Hiya! My boys are about 2 and a half months old now; I just wanted to make sure I've nothing to worry about in their behaviour. For background, they have a two story cage that's about 1.5 by .5 metres, but they're only in there at night. In the day they can freely wander a large section of the...
  5. Olivitree

    shrieking at being mounted Long haired sow in season

    Heya folks. I recently got a rescue youngster to go with my neutered boar, I figured she just would just out run him and not entertain his advances until some time later, I knew they started seasons early but I figured she’d be too busy being small and daft, but as soon as she had her first...
  6. Shelli1016


    Hey there! Not knowing how many guinea pigs are rehomed in the world, we regrettably went to a big box store & adopted a sow. A week later she had 2 babies! 🙄 My son at this point named both babies & the whole family fell in love w/them. The store was helpful, apologetic & gave us free food &...
  7. ashleemelda

    Sudden Dominance Behaviors

    I got my girls, Moira and Rose, back in May, so 7 months ago now. Within the past month, they have started exhibiting dominance behaviors that I have never seen up until this point. For example, they both rumblestrut around each other pretty much constantly throughout the day, Rose sprays urine...
  8. T


    Hello I’m a new member who created this account to get some advice on my 2 male guinea pigs behaviour. My two guinea pigs are 2 to 2 and a half years old (with them been rescues not 100% sure) my younger guinea pig Jonathon has been mounting and dominating my older guinea pig Biggie. I would...
  9. Thebubbypiggies

    Boars mounting each other

    I have to boars together and they are constantly mounting each other. Mostly one more than the other. I know this is normal behaviour but they do it every day. They don’t show any signs of cuts or bites, so they aren’t violent with each other. They’re also in a 3x4 so the size isn’t to small...
  10. nibblesandcoco

    Rumble-strutting Piggie For 3+ Weeks?

    At the end of December, our 7 year old piggie Coco passed away, so we got our piggie Nibbles a new friend soon after to make sure she wasn't lonely, and her name is Charlotte. They have been housed together for almost 4 months now, but 3 weeks ago, Nibbles started to constantly rumble-strut...
  11. B

    Constant Mounting! Is This Normal?

    My 2.5 year old boar Harry is recently bereaved so I got him a new male friend, Tufty, who the lady at the adoption centre reckoned is about 1.5- 2 years old. I did the introductions 2 weeks ago and after Tufty spent a full evening showing his dominance by mounting Harry incessantly, they...
  12. Siikibam

    Mounting And Humping

    We were eating dinner when I heard the boys busy running around. I came to investigate (it was quite boisterous) and found Toffee chasing Fudge around, teeth chattering on and off. He was also mounting and humping him. It’s been going on for at least 10mins now. Should I just leave them to it...
  13. McNallington


    Hi everyone, I just wondered whether anyone could offer me a bit of advice about my piggies? I have had my two girls for nearly three years and there has always been mounting going on but recently it's become constant. It used to be in a cyclical nature so I don't know whether or not it was...
  14. Jesse's pigs

    Oh Boys...

    So it's my birthday today and my two little munchkins have been behaving all week with little to no humping etc. But I wake up the smorning and...yeah lol. Steve just decided he wants to non stop mount and rumble at Mo (good luck) and unlike when Steve just let's Mo mount him...Mo doesn't take...
  15. Jesse's pigs

    1 To 2

    Right I've finally done it! Mo has a friend which he is currently getting acquainted to. (Mo has never looked soooo huge!) Okay so he seemed a little shocked at first and a bit jumpy. Then I got a little worried cos he kept nibbling the little ones fur and ears - one of which he caught and...
  16. VeganIzzy

    Guinea Pig Stressed And Horny

    So I got two Guinea Pigs yesterday, they are sisters. I handled one today, Parsnip, and she was happy to be out of the cage, however upon Parsnip leaving, Raisin began running around and biting on the cage, so I put Parsnip back in. I am worried however as Raisin has been what seems to be...
  17. G

    Boars Fighting, But Anxious When Separated?

    Hi! I have two boars, they are brothers and I adopted them when they were likely a year old. I've had them since January, and when I adopted them I was told that they occasionally get into little tiffs but nothing to worry about. Lately they've been fighting a LOT. At least two or three times a...
  18. Keiko The Pig

    First Time Boar Bonding!

    Hi! For those of you who've seen my other posts you know I recently got my first pig, and today his friend grom the rescue came home! It's about a half hour into bonding and there's been rumbling, mounting from both parties, butt sniffing, chasing, and popcorning from both boys! Milo (Keikos new...
  19. JessyD2

    Piggy Behaviour I Don't Quite Understand?

    Hello, I'm a new piggy owner and have two females, Keira (18 weeks old) and Natalie (9 weeks old). I've read that mounting is common amongst female pigs (I assumed only males did it but after some research I see that both sexes do this) however I haven't stumbled accords anything about...
  20. Cherim

    2 Brothers, Depression?

    Hi all, I rescued two piggies, Charlie and Alfie, 3 year old brothers a few days ago. Whenever we visited them at the sanctuary Alfie (the smaller of the two) came out, was more inquisitive, braver, and came up to us. When we got home they explored their cage (1mx1m) and seemed okay. I remove...