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Anyone know what this behavior is? It sometimes can look like Moose (mom) is kicking Coco (baby). It's putting everyone on edge.

Hi! What gender is the baby? I've only seen my female do this to my male guinea pig and it is normally a back off thing with a spray of pee when he tries to hump her. My male is neutered and female is spayed. Most of the members are in the UK so they will get back with you when they get up in the morning. I'm curious to see what they say is going on here too.
Hi! What gender is the baby? I've only seen my female do this to my male guinea pig and it is normally a back off thing with a spray of pee when he tries to hump her. My male is neutered and female is spayed. Most of the members are in the UK so they will get back with you when they get up in the morning. I'm curious to see what they say is going on here too.
I believe Coco is a female. That's what we were told by the shelter I got her from and that's what it looks like to me. She is very young though.
I'm going to link the sexing guide so you can double check to be on the safe side. I'm not an expert, but I know that we have several people on here that have had their guinea pigs mis-sexed and then end up with a surprise litter.

Illustrated Sexing Guide

It will be interesting to see what the other members say what is going on here. It really doesn't look like fighting to me; I've seen a full furball fight once when I was attempting to bond to of my foster piggies.
They have been together since she was born about two months ago and this came out of no where. I always struggle with sexing but will post pictures here. I do think she is female. I have only had them for 4 weeks so I don't really know them yet to know what is or isn't normal but this is my first time seeing this behavior. Baby coco is very high energy so maybe moose is just annoyed. 20220127_220452.jpg20220127_215958.jpg20220127_215721.jpg
I'll let the experts weigh in on helping you out with the gender. I've never had baby piggies, but if they are anything like small children, I'm sure they are exhausting! :flag:

I forgot to mention earlier, but both Moose and Coco are really adorable. :love:
I'll let the experts weigh in on helping you out with the gender. I've never had baby piggies, but if they are anything like small children, I'm sure they are exhausting! :flag:

I forgot to mention earlier, but both Moose and Coco are really adorable. :love:
Thank you for the replies. This is my first time with a baby. It has been a lot. Mom was found in the woods pregnant and baby was the runt of the litter. Until. ow they have gotten along fine. 20220127_221146.jpgI hope I wake up to confirmation Coco is indeed a girl tomorrow...

here is another pic to whoever stumbles upon this thread with me applying gentle pressure
This looks like normal dominance behaviour to me. As long as they are not drawing blood, I wouldn't worry too much - no need to seperate them. Are they both girls?
I accidentally posted this twice. here is the other thread with pictures of the baby. I know Moose is a girl because she gave birth and was told Coco is a girl and she looks like one to me.

Anyone know what this behavior is? It sometimes can look like Moose (mom) is kicking Coco (baby). It's putting everyone on edge.
Ah okay. There is no need to seperate them as long as they are both girls, and are not drawing blood. Mounting, rumbling, chasing and nipping (without drawing blood) are all normal dominance behaviours.
To merge your threads, I'll tag mods @VickiA @Lady Kelly
Hello. I have two boys and my dominant piggy does this and sprays wee on his friend. He does this to assert his authority if the submissive piggy is annoying him.

I’m not a sexing expert so I’ll leave that to the experts. Did you read the guide posted above? That should help you. I’ve never had a sow so I’m not sure if it’s something they do when in season? Maybe she wants to mate?
Luna the dominant piggy kicks Nova all the time. Does seem to be when Nova is being annoying. Luna will be trying to nap and Nova won't stay still next to her so she gives her a boot 🤣

Mine are both girls.
They have been together since she was born about two months ago and this came out of no where. I always struggle with sexing but will post pictures here. I do think she is female. I have only had them for 4 weeks so I don't really know them yet to know what is or isn't normal but this is my first time seeing this behavior. Baby coco is very high energy so maybe moose is just annoyed. View attachment 194920View attachment 194921View attachment 194922

How old is the baby? The pictures are really not very clear. Have you checked for the presence or absence of a penis ridge and have you checked inside the slit (both of these are necessary to check gender). @Wiebke
How old is the baby? The pictures are really not very clear. Have you checked for the presence or absence of a penis ridge and have you checked inside the slit (both of these are necessary to check gender). @Wiebke

she is about is 8-9 weeks old. around 250 grams.she was either 3 or 4 weeks on Christmas eve. I will check for either today.
That’s a low weight for an 8 - 9 week old baby. Please check the weight and weigh regularly.
Please do check the slit and for a penis ridge and compare with Mum’s genitalia.
Mums do kick their babies away if they are attempting to suckle and Mum’s milk is drying up.
That’s a low weight for an 8 - 9 week old baby. Please check the weight and weigh regularly.
Please do check the slit and for a penis ridge and compare with Mum’s genitalia.
Mums do kick their babies away if they are attempting to suckle and Mum’s milk is drying up.

she was the "runt" of the litter according to the shelter. her weight has been steadily increasing in the four weeks we have been together. this is not a readable picture but she is the pink line at the bottom. she has doubled in weight from around 130g to 260g.

Oh bless her. Wonder what her birth weight was. I’ve had some tiny runts and they have had such character.

I don't want to call the gender just from outside of the genitalia, either.

Please have a peak inside to see whether there is a straight male slit or a similar arrangement of flaps like in her mother. I would also strongly recommend to feel for a tiny penis ridge bump under the skin just above the knob where sows are just soft.

The reference pictures in our sexing guide should hopefully help. Every sexing should have this hands-on component because sexing remotely from pictures has some major drawbacks when it comes to in-betweenies.

It is impossible to say whether you have a little boy waking up or a little girl possibly coming into her season without seeing clear pictures from inside the slit.

Thank you all for the comments and advice. I did not feel anything thay would make me think Coco is a boy, but I have also only ever had girls. So while I have used the resources and am team girl, does this video also appear to be a girl? This is something I do not want to be wrong about as the female she is housed with gave birth to her.
can't link the video for some reason so here is a screenshot from the video
