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Beans Is Struggling To Get Up/walk

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 6, 2016
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Beans has, in the vets words, "crippling arthritis" in her back legs and has done for a couple months, possibly longer.

She's on 0.4 Loxicom for pain relief and up until now has been managing just fine. Over the past few weeks I have noticed she seems to be walking a bit funny sometimes so I've made an appointment for Tuesday.

But tonight she's really worrying me. I'm just in from work and my Mum said she hasn't really been herself today, she's eating and and drinking but hasn't been running about as much as she normally would. She was sitting under her hidey, lying on her side, and was unable to stand up. She got her front legs up but couldn't lift her back legs to walk.

After a couple of attempts she managed to get up but she was squealing a bit when walking. She's also struggling to scratch herself with her back legs and just falls over when she tries to.

Should see if I can get an appointment tomorrow morning instead of Tuesday?
She's up and walking about with Toast now but it definitely seems like a bit of a struggle.

I'm so scared, I can't even think about PTS, is there anything that can be done for arthritis other than pain relief?
Poor Beans :( although I see no reason for her to be pts.

If I were you, I would try and get her an appointment for tomorrow as a stronger dose in pain relief may be beneficial but this should only be done under vet advise xx
Poor Beans :( although I see no reason for her to be pts.

If I were you, I would try and get her an appointment for tomorrow as a stronger dose in pain relief may be beneficial but this should only be done under vet advise xx
Do you think? I'm terrified she'll need to be PTS if she's in too much pain.

I'll phone in the morning then. My only worry is that usually any problems they're having they seem to hide them when they're there
I'd try to speak to the vets tomorrow - if they can't see her perhaps they can approve an increased dosage of metacam for her. Good luck
Can you try and take a video to show the vet?
I would have her seen asap, but if she is only on 1 med for her arthritis then she should have lots of other options.
Obviously the arthritis is progressing, but a combination of pain killers should help address the problem.
And maybe in the meantime offer a gentle heat source for her - do you have a e snuggle safe?
Definitely consult the vet tomorrow. My boy had what my vet said was one of the worst cases of arthritis, and him being on Metacam really helped.

It could be something else causing the pain/difficulty walking.
Can you try and take a video to show the vet?
I would have her seen asap, but if she is only on 1 med for her arthritis then she should have lots of other options.
Obviously the arthritis is progressing, but a combination of pain killers should help address the problem.
And maybe in the meantime offer a gentle heat source for her - do you have a e snuggle safe?
Thanks, I'll try get a video and I'll ask to get her seen tomorrow morning.

Yeah the only meds she takes is Loxicom and it's for her arthritis. Its absolutely heartbreaking to see her getting older and struggling :(
Definitely consult the vet tomorrow. My boy had what my vet said was one of the worst cases of arthritis, and him being on Metacam really helped.

It could be something else causing the pain/difficulty walking.
Yeah the Loxicom has helped but since it's getting worse she might need the dose increased I suppose. Thanks
maybe asked for stronger analgesia.if pain is controlled it can give your piggy a new lease of life.ive also seen glucosamine being used in cavies with good effect.i would ask your vet.hope Beans feels better soon,:)
Thanks everyone.

Would it be best to remove the ramps from the cage? They've got a 5x1 loft with 2 ramps, they're fairly shallow ramps but Beans goes up it a lot, I don't want it to be adding extra pressure on her legs... or is it a case of if she was finding it difficult she just wouldn't use it?
What does she weigh & what Metacam is she on? Dog or Cat one? Is that dose twice a day as it's best given in two doses.They can tolerate quite high doses of Metacam, although the trade off might be it could affect the kidneys long term. You can also ask you vet for a low dose of Tramodol, mine have been on 0.1ml twice a day before with no ill affects & it can be given alongside Metacam & can sometimes make a good deal of difference to managing pain.
What does she weigh & what Metacam is she on? Dog or Cat one? Is that dose twice a day as it's best given in two doses.They can tolerate quite high doses of Metacam, although the trade off might be it could affect the kidneys long term. You can also ask you vet for a low dose of Tramodol, mine have been on 0.1ml twice a day before with no ill affects & it can be given alongside Metacam & can sometimes make a good deal of difference to managing pain.
She's between 1100g and 1130g and it's dog metacam, 0.2 mls twice a day. She's about 5-6, so the issue with it affecting her kidneys might not matter if she's older anyway?
She's between 1100g and 1130g and it's dog metacam, 0.2 mls twice a day. She's about 5-6, so the issue with it affecting her kidneys might not matter if she's older anyway?

That's a pretty low dose for her weight, I think it can easily be doubled to 0.4ml twice a day, obviously you need to discuss with your vet & also ask for Tramodol. It's essential to keep her pain free. I agree at her age her comfort is worth the risk of any damage long term. I'm not sure if Cartrophen injections might help, they are anti inflammatory & although my Petal had bladder issues it was used mainly for that, she had arthritis in her stifles so Cartrophen injections once a month & Metacam twice daily kept my piggy comfortable. I would also remove the ramps I'm afraid, as it could be adding to the strain on her body x
That's a pretty low dose for her weight, I think it can easily be doubled to 0.4ml twice a day, obviously you need to discuss with your vet & also ask for Tramodol. It's essential to keep her pain free. I agree at her age her comfort is worth the risk of any damage long term. I'm not sure if Cartrophen injections might help, they are anti inflammatory & although my Petal had bladder issues it was used mainly for that, she had arthritis in her stifles so Cartrophen injections once a month & Metacam twice daily kept my piggy comfortable. I would also remove the ramps I'm afraid, as it could be adding to the strain on her body x
Thanks that's really helpful. Yeah I thought as much with the ramps. I really didn't want to as they both love going up and down them but if it'll make things worse for Beans then I'd rather remove them x
Beans has, in the vets words, "crippling arthritis" in her back legs and has done for a couple months, possibly longer.

She's on 0.4 Loxicom for pain relief and up until now has been managing just fine. Over the past few weeks I have noticed she seems to be walking a bit funny sometimes so I've made an appointment for Tuesday.

But tonight she's really worrying me. I'm just in from work and my Mum said she hasn't really been herself today, she's eating and and drinking but hasn't been running about as much as she normally would. She was sitting under her hidey, lying on her side, and was unable to stand up. She got her front legs up but couldn't lift her back legs to walk.

After a couple of attempts she managed to get up but she was squealing a bit when walking. She's also struggling to scratch herself with her back legs and just falls over when she tries to.

Should see if I can get an appointment tomorrow morning instead of Tuesday?
She's up and walking about with Toast now but it definitely seems like a bit of a struggle.

I'm so scared, I can't even think about PTS, is there anything that can be done for arthritis other than pain relief?

You can go on stronger pain relief and try glucosamine (talk about it with your vet). As long as Beans is eating and drinking, she still has a will to live.

Make sure that she has got everything she needs (water, hay etc.) within easy reach of her hidey and that you change her cosy 2-3 times daily.
You can go on stronger pain relief and try glucosamine (talk about it with your vet). As long as Beans is eating and drinking, she still has a will to live.

Make sure that she has got everything she needs (water, hay etc.) within easy reach of her hidey and that you change her cosy 2-3 times daily.
She definitely has the will to live.. still demanding veg and eating hay, she's just very sleepy lately and is struggling more and more with getting up when she's been lying down sleeping. I'll ask about more/better pain relief, thank you.
She definitely has the will to live.. still demanding veg and eating hay, she's just very sleepy lately and is struggling more and more with getting up when she's been lying down sleeping. I'll ask about more/better pain relief, thank you.

We all dread the time when we realise that a piggy life may come towards its close, but it is important to remember that pets are more short-lived and that we have them on loan only for a certain time, the duration of which is mostly out of our control. What counts is not how long a pet lives, but how happy and well cared for a life we give it during the time it's with us. Give Beans all your love now, but also be prepared to send her on if and whenever it gets too much for her; that is also part of our love, as heart-breaking as it is.

Here are a couple of pictures of my old Nerys while she was battling a rat-tail of old age issues during the last months of her life; she'd suffered back leg paralysis at that time which reversed only slowly, and between her old age and arthritis, Nerys' mobility never came fully back although she was able to get around slowly for a while again. Once I could stop supplementing her with syringe feed and water, I made sure that she had everything within the reach that she could easily manage.
DSCN3379.webp DSCN3730-1.webp
When old Mrs Fudge was like this I removed all ramps, trays etc and gave her a bungalow style living experience with everything she needed within easy reach of her favourite snuggly and I also gave her a heat pad under her cosy all the time to help ease her joints. She had very bad arthritis in her knees.
Thanks so much for all your advice and support.

I'm just back from the vets, he had a good feel of her legs and had her walk about the room. The arthritis in her legs has progressed and it's now affecting her hips too. He also mention something about the muscle in her legs/hips have deteriorated or weakened, I can't quite remember how he worded it.

He's ordered some kind of capsule for her. I can't remember what it's called, it's for cats (Not Cystophan) apparently it can help with joint pain? He's also upped her Loxicom and said if that doesn't work he'll prescribe Tramadol.

I feel sick thinking about it. It's heartbreaking to see her getting older and struggling. But she's still got her appetite, her bossy attitude and still wanders around so she's not ready to give up yet.

I think I will take the ramps out of the cage. Both Beans and Toast love going up to the hay loft but I don't want to make it any more difficult for her.
I'm glad Beans has been looked at and had her meds increased.

Taking the ramps out is a good idea.

I have a double tier cage and although she used the ramp when she was younger, my Emma rarely ventures up there these days. But she is at least 5 and has cataracts but she's quite happy to potter around the bottom whilst Ellen and Edward do zoomies up and down x
I'm glad they've managed to increase her meds. Hopefully that will help with her pain and mobility. ((HUGS)) to little Beans!
Good to hear that she's got more pain relief, and that she has still got her feistiness.
Thanks so much for all your advice and support.

I'm just back from the vets, he had a good feel of her legs and had her walk about the room. The arthritis in her legs has progressed and it's now affecting her hips too. He also mention something about the muscle in her legs/hips have deteriorated or weakened, I can't quite remember how he worded it.

He's ordered some kind of capsule for her. I can't remember what it's called, it's for cats (Not Cystophan) apparently it can help with joint pain? He's also upped her Loxicom and said if that doesn't work he'll prescribe Tramadol.

I feel sick thinking about it. It's heartbreaking to see her getting older and struggling. But she's still got her appetite, her bossy attitude and still wanders around so she's not ready to give up yet.

I think I will take the ramps out of the cage. Both Beans and Toast love going up to the hay loft but I don't want to make it any more difficult for her.

A lot of the glucosamine products that are used for guinea pigs, whether for bladder protection or joint care are cat-based. That will hopefully help to ease her symptoms a bit.

I dn't think that she'll use the ramp, but it would be good to have hay close to her hidey. with guinea pigs that have trouble with walking, I just put the hay on a bit of newspaper for easy access, escpelly if they love sitting in it.
If necessary chop up the hay into shorter ends so her back feet cannot get caught in it as she is no longer able to lift them much. Use soft hay so she cannot injure her eye if she stumbles.

When old age hits, whether that is in a human or a pet, it is never a nice realisation, but try to concentrate on making the most every day more that she's got and can enjoy. There is still some time left. Try not to spoil it for you and for Beans!
The name of the capsules that have been ordered is Synoquin. They're for joint pain.

Has anyone heard of these or used them?
A girl I know from Guinea Lynx has used it. A 1/4 tablet twice a day,along with Metacam. According to GL the results seemed good.

She has access to a fantastic vet. He liased with the Cat and Rabbit clinic to get my boy onto a medication for his bladdwr stones, he's a zoo vet.
The only thing is it is fish/crustacean based as it is made from Krill, whereas Cartrophen is plant based. I assume it would be ok if they have experience of using it in the past though?
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