I think a larger cage may actually be easier to clean than a smaller one! High traffic (wee!) areas could be cleaned independently of the rest as and when needed. I found that when I increased my cages from 120 to 160 they were much easier to manage
I was thinking more from a point of view of would a large space scare them?
But it seems to be working out ok
To start with in the big cage they didn't seem to leave the huts but they are more now
As long as you have lots of hideys that makes them feel a little more secure We have two girls but lots of hideys as the cage is 3x6 in size. I actually find the bigger cage needs cleaning less
You may find when you give them floor time they just want to get back into their nice big cage. I had this when my two eldest boars got nearly 50% of the kitchen floor as their home
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