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Specialist Cocoa Poorly Lip And Congested. Pls Help. Photos

Have you every tried to eat breaky . . when someone sticks their Big Butt in the way.20180724_073622.jpgStill didn't bother me. 20180724_073712.jpgChloe wanted to be in the picture also. xx20180724_073655.jpgoh look bums other end it's Heidi.
Mummy and Daddy pls with me as I've put a little weight on. it's hard work eating cos my poorly mouth but I'm trying so hard. :luv: to all. Cocoa
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536CCAB4-A3D6-4199-B606-178C6DBCB051.jpegAhh thank you everyone. It’s Friday today & I’ve done really well with my special breakfast on mummy’s lap (I love cucumber so much I don’t notice the steroid tablet crushed onto it) I’ve had a good week & I’m looking forward to my next meal of hay.... and cucumber. (I get a varied veggie diet but I just love cucumber.) My friends had a watermelon treat last night, but I just want cucumber....🥒🥒🥒🥒
speak later love Cocoa :wub:
To all you above a massive thank you. Cocoa is hit and little miss with starting to eat as the cancer is realling affecting one side of her mouth she knows food is their but her lips don't get it. So we help by cutting food to smaller pieces and separate her so she can concentrate on her food.. .Heidi and Chloe nick hers . :hmm:
She's doing well and each night has a massive cuddle off one of us. She's the quickest piggie to start squeaking with affection when strokes hit. . and never not once has she Squeaked in pain perhaps moan a bit when we moisten her mouth. IMG-20180714-WA0004.jpgShe is Beautiful xx
078A37E3-36BB-46D3-BC7F-C3B66F3C296C.jpegMorning all. Happy Monday to you.
I’m a little bit rough today cos I haven’t moved much during the night & so I’m very wet (oops) My friends have said I smell a bit too. It’s made Daddy feel sad.:(
So I’ve had a nice warm bum bath & my meds & I’m still maintaining my weight. I love grated carrot, cucumber is still my favourite, oh and I like a few oats, not many though. I’m going off coriander this week.
I’ve had lots of attention this morning & I’m back with my friends munching on hay now.
I’m back at vets on Wed so I’ll keep you posted, speak soon, love Cocoa x
I have only just seen and fully read this thread. I am so so sorry you are having to go through this, but Cocoa is so lucky to have two amazing and caring hoomans looking after her. She's an absolutely gorgeous and adorbale piggy! Sending you all hugs (especially beautiful Cocoa) and positive vibes! xx
I have only just seen and fully read this thread. I am so so sorry you are having to go through this, but Cocoa is so lucky to have two amazing and caring hoomans looking after her. She's an absolutely gorgeous and adorbale piggy! Sending you all hugs (especially beautiful Cocoa) and positive vibes! xx
Thank you for taking the time to read this piggie amazing story.
1st time this morning I looked at her and it got to me big time. She's a wonderful girl and never complains but this am she needed Kath and i and we delivered. xx.