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considering cage upgrade


New Born Pup
Oct 24, 2023
Reaction score
currently i have my two baby girls in a 2x4 C&C cage with the solid plastic panels. i had to rearrange to fit this cage into my bedroom, but later this week i’m downsizing my (king) bed to a loft bed, so i will have a ton more room. i’m planning to expand their cage so they can have optimal space but i was curious on whether it’d be better to expand in width or length. do they have a preference between the cage being longer vs wider? or would it just be best to expand it a little each way instead of all one way?
btw i’m also planning to switch from the panels to the grids to make sure there’s enough airflow!
i hope this makes sense haha!
thanks :)
I would extend the cage length-wise. Just because it will be easier to find more coroplast to add on in that way. Don't think piggies have a preference on whether their cage is expanded longer or wider, they just like the additional space.
I would extend the cage length-wise. Just because it will be easier to find more coroplast to add on in that way. Don't think piggies have a preference on whether their cage is expanded longer or wider, they just like the additional space.
thanks for the advice :)
currently i dont actually have coroplast on there, i just used the panels for the bottom of the cage and then layered my pee pads and fleece over it, so that isnt a huge concern for me right now. however i probably will expand lengthwise just for convenience!