Did the bonding fail?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 26, 2018
Reaction score
Czech Republic
I got a new 2 year old sow a month ago, I tried to follow a bonding guide, but apparently the bonding still failed. In the beginning the new sow kept chasing, cornering and biting my other sow. I thought it wasn't too serious because people warned me about it, but I recently found two wounds around her neck and one on her ear. It didn't bleed (although it could have, I'm not sure how old it is)
Right now they seem to get along better, the biting stopped, the chasing reduced and they sometimes eat out of the same bowl, but they still purr and squeak at each other often.
I posted other threads about the situation earlier and people kept telling me to separate them permanently, but I really don't want to. I have neither enough money nor space for a second cage and I don't want to give her back either because she was used for breeding and I don't really trust her old owner.
When I saw the wounds I cleaned them and removed all houses and put tubes/open houses instead.
They seem to be doing a little bit better like this, but I'm not sure whether it can be saved or not.
(Sorry for all those long posts, but I'm starting to become desperate)
Good evening. Personally I would persist. Since the aggression has lessened I would see this as a good sign! My 2 boys get on really well. They share bowls all the time and love hanging out together yet Frodo quite often will rumble strutt at Dexter. It's nothing new. I think he has to keep reminding him who's boss. 1 night Frodo was a bit randy and wouldn't leave Dexter alone. There was a lot of running, chasing and squeaking but they settled down after about half an hour and these guys are normally the best of friends! I think in your case 1 of your piggies is just making sure, like Frodo, that the other 1 knows who's boss. How big is your cage?
My cage is about 0.75 square meters with a second floor. I just wasn't sure about the bite marks. They were around her neck area and looked pretty bad, I'm afraid that it could happen again or even worse.
Square metres and measurements aren't my strong point but I do believe a 120cm long cage is the minimum cage size for 2 pigs regardless of levels. If yours is bigger that's great but smaller can contribute to more fallouts. I wouldn't worry about the old bite marks. They probably were just working out who wanted to be top pig and neither would back down. As you say they are much better at the moment so your lower ranking piggy must have got the message and backed down. I would obviously keep an eye on them but I wouldn't worry too much just yet.
Also when dealing with your piggies always tend to your more dominant 1 1st. It will help establish that she is top pig
I would just keep a careful watch on them both for a while and try to stop worrying and see how you go. I know how you must feel. Before bonding my 2 I had fallen in love with Dexter but would not have been able to fit another cage in my room so would have had to of given him up. It would have left me devastated like you would be if you had to separate your 2. I would say let them bicker and chase for now and work things out amongst themselves. It's still early days but if there are anymore bites then you may be faced with having to separate. I really hope for your sake that it does not come to this