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Dry Skin Inside Of Ear

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 17, 2017
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK

I am new owner of two beautiful guinea pigs which I've had for just coming up to 4 weeks now.

I was examining one of the guinea pigs and I noticed she has slightly dry skin in her ear, the other ear is fine. There is also what appears to be a very tiny spot inside her ear too which I'm sure you can see in the picture below. She doesn't seem to be scratching the ear, is behaving normally and eating and drinking fine.

The other guinea pigs ears also seem to be ok.

Could anyone tell me whether this is just dry skin or something more serious that needs a vets attention?

A photo is attached below

Left Ear.jpg
My Hettie has had a lump in her ear for a while, looked a bit wart like to me. I asked the vet last week when I took Hettie with her hay poke and she said it is perfectly normal and piggies often get the lumps on their feet, which Hettie hasn't.

She said it is fine to just leave it.
Thanks for the replies.

My guinea pigs ear has improved quite a lot over the past two days.

So hopefully no visit to the vet is needed.
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