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Ear Infection? Green Hard Buildup


New Born Pup
Oct 20, 2018
Reaction score
Hello! My one sow is dealing with some sort of an ear issue.

First about a week ago or so her left ear was twitching and she scratched at it. Also she was not happy with it being touched. I then saw this green thing in the ear and she kicked it out. Figured it could be a buildup of hay but made the vet appointment. I didn't have the green piece but had taken photos. She was seen 3 days later and the vet did not see green buildup, but based on the photos, tested for ear mites which were not found. The vet gave week prescription for one drop twice daily of Tobramycin. There was supposed to be improvement right away, but just today there was another green piece of the same size. This time I was able to get her to kick it out and saved it into a clear bag--also more photos.

The vet said to contact if there was no improvement for probably an oral antibiotic which I will do tomorrow morning. I am worried because I have asked multiple places and found no one having had this same thing---until one thread on here and the piggie died. The thread is this one . It seems the ear issue is the same but not the other issues the guinea pig had--at least so far. The thread ending said the ears were not looked at or really found out the cause. Suspected though was an ear infection.

Can anyone relate to this issue exactly?


It looks to me like some food has got stuck in the ear? Unfortunately, I do not have the experience to recommend any treatment, either, as it is so uncommon.

It looks to me like some food has got stuck in the ear? Unfortunately, I do not have the experience to recommend any treatment, either, as it is so uncommon.

I was hoping so at first, but it has reproduced and the green color seems bacterial. There is no smell, but if it is crushed it becomes like hard crystals.

I will absolutely update here with results for others to learn. I am staying positive since there are no further symptoms.
I was hoping so at first, but it has reproduced and the green color seems bacterial. There is no smell, but if it is crushed it becomes like hard crystals.

I will absolutely update here with results for others to learn. I am staying positive since there are no further symptoms.

I am very sorry; but it sounds like one of these extremely rare issues that in the past have often remain a mystery and are not much known even now. :(
So sorry your girl isn't well. It is a mystery isn't it. Will be interested to find out what the issue is.

No improvement after the drops. The blockage is now everyday with no other symptoms in the one ear--- besides ear twitch and sensitivity.

Now vet has given Sulfatrim for a week with Benebac. I am so worried for her.

I also located another thread with similar ear and result of death.

More pics. Will update hopefully with better news.


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No change so far. Vet has given additional week of the medicine. Then another appointment five days later maybe do swab and lab but will take long to get results.
I hope you get some answers soon. They do like to worry us don’t they?
I was checking the ears again, massaging gunk out when possible, and noticed something I did not before. The problem ear seems to have a bumpy like thing while the other ear does not. Are the ears usually like this? I attached best comparison of ears I could. If not normal I might show the vet. I just don't know if the ear always had this texture.


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The buildup is still bad. Vet has now checked for yeast and there is none. Now on oral Baytril 10 days and Baytril Otic drops for both ears.

The next step is to put her under to do a surgical type of exam and a discharge culture. I hope the Baytril will work because her going under scares me.


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Went to another vet and was able to do the lab culture. It came back negative for any bacteria which means exactly that or the antibiotic is working. It does not seem to and she exhibits more discomfort and pain sounds. She sometimes looks like miniscule head tilt.

Possible scheduling for scope surgery to be done. I do not know what else to try. I got refill of Baytril for now. Vet thinks it could just be she produces lots of wax, but it causes discomfort and is gooey green before hardening up. Wax I cleaned out before was like black specks.
Went to another vet and was able to do the lab culture. It came back negative for any bacteria which means exactly that or the antibiotic is working. It does not seem to and she exhibits more discomfort and pain sounds. She sometimes looks like miniscule head tilt.

Possible scheduling for scope surgery to be done. I do not know what else to try. I got refill of Baytril for now. Vet thinks it could just be she produces lots of wax, but it causes discomfort and is gooey green before hardening up. Wax I cleaned out before was like black specks.
If her ear is black the wax will be black. Or if the ears pink the wax is white/cream also if their ear is brown/ginger then the wax is that colour. Its the weirdest thing.
If her ear is black the wax will be black. Or if the ears pink the wax is white/cream also if their ear is brown/ginger then the wax is that colour. Its the weirdest thing.

Yes her ears are both black so green is way off. It is unique their bodies act that way.
Same vet above placed her under for exam and did a scope and flushing to deeply clean both ears. Xray deemed not needed. The diagnosis is still she creates too much normal wax. They saw no abscess, pimples, tumor, masses etc.

Only treatment currently is to keep her ears clean to keep up with the wax. I was given EpiOtic solution every two weeks to get into the ears to melt wax out. The ears they said should remain clean this way.

However just the next day and today still the substance is still building up and the vet said if that happens, there is really no other action. The substance is still green and dries up brown.

I am lost and just will have to let things go naturally I just know I have failed her and if others with same symptoms read this, I hope for better results. I can get no answers to what this is.

Already now she is also getting other issues. She does not run, hates to be held so much she bites, blinking eyes, will not fall asleep on me, looks scared constantly, labored breathing, hunches with sticking fur out, and has digestive issues. These only happened after the surgery maybe they get better but I have lost hope. I guess she has bad reaction to being put under. She is like completely different pig. She still loves to eat so she is fighting. I did get pain meds for this time she has left at least.

I will only update if she ever recovers.


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I know I said I wouldn't, but I wanted to update since it's her third birthday this month. She is doing ok. All symptoms have gone away besides the ear buildup is the same. The ear wash stuff really doesn't help. I just help massage out when she will let me.

The unfortunate part is she stays in her own cc cage close to the others. She is VERY aggressive/defensive towards other piggies unlike before. The cages cannot fully touch because she bit through the grid and actually climbed up the grids into the other cage. I was right there to break up the fight but got my bare hand messed up bad.

She popcorns, zooms, plays in hay, forages. Likes to be held again and falls asleep on lap. Also will wheek and talk with others.