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Eating fleece


New Born Pup
Jan 12, 2021
Reaction score
Muskegon Michigan
Well everyone, looks like Eve ate some fleece last week and now she has an overnight stay at the emergency vet to go poop. I had one of those fleece forests and she ate part of the strings that hang down. Safe to say, I'm sad and mad, but I know she will be feeling better soon and be back at home. Just thought I would share my $2000 misfortune with some people who might care, or at least laugh at my expense lol
Oh my, that was one expensive fleece forest! Sending you a big hug and healing vibes for Eve. Glad to hear she’s on the mend (hopefully your bank account will be on the mend soon as well!). And hopefully Eve‘s learned from her mistake, silly sausage x
Oh no! I hope she is okay and recovers well! Our pig Pepper has a taste for bath mats and plastic they really are little monkeys!