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Elevated Liver Enzymes


New Born Pup
Jul 4, 2019
Reaction score
Has anyone had a piggy with elevated liver enzymes?

We have an ultrasound next Tuesday, but I’m sick with worry, especially after we had to go to an emergency clinic last night because my piggy had painful urination. (We left the vet with painkillers and antibiotics that don’t affect the liver—he had a lot of bacteria in his urine.)

My poor buddy isn’t doing so great.
I guess I’m looking for experiences with the liver enzyme part—I’ve already googled all of the other symptoms and they, of course, left me feeling hopeless, so I’m not looking for pessimistic guessing. Thank you! ♥️
Have tagged in some H&I people for you, hoping some other members can advise too

Sending lots of live to your piggy and hugs to you
Did your little pig have a blood sample taken initially that showed raised liver enzymes? If so do you have the results? Or know the results. Different enzymes mean different things.

Has anyone had a piggy with elevated liver enzymes?

We have an ultrasound next Tuesday, but I’m sick with worry, especially after we had to go to an emergency clinic last night because my piggy had painful urination. (We left the vet with painkillers and antibiotics that don’t affect the liver—he had a lot of bacteria in his urine.)

My poor buddy isn’t doing so great.
I guess I’m looking for experiences with the liver enzyme part—I’ve already googled all of the other symptoms and they, of course, left me feeling hopeless, so I’m not looking for pessimistic guessing. Thank you! ♥️
Did you get any answer
Did you get any answer

I’m afraid this is an old thread and the member hasn’t logged into the forum in 5 years so we don’t have any update. Please do start your own thread in the health section and we can offer ongoing support to you