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Feeding the guinea pigs at TEAS

I am so glad I read this thread. I've found it super helpful! We have only had our piggies for a couple of weeks, and I have been going into a bit of information overwhelm lately. All these ratios and measurements etc were just starting to seem a little too much to master completely. Don't get me wrong, all the guidelines and charts to get an idea of what vege is high in what and which can be fed more often than others, are SUPER helpful and I will continue to reference them and take things into account as needed...but I feel like this thread has also reminded me of the importance of paying attention to my unique piggies and what works for them too...because so far they do seem to be thriving, even though I have not yet managed to get their diet "perfect". As mentioned by others, I have also noticed them eating what they want and leaving the rest for later. Even when we have given them an occasional berry, they have devoured the first part of it with great gusto and then simply left the rest for later. So I do agree that they seem to know what works for themselves too. So much food for thought. I love this forum and all the amazing insights shared😍

Yes do not stress yourself over it all. I don't think the perfect diet exists but we can try and as long as the piggies are happy and healthy then that's what really matters. Mine get a veg portion between 4 and each have their own favourites so I'm sure that one of them will eat at least two piggies share (if not all 4's share) of one particular veg but it's really not worth stressing over.
Looking at that basin of veg makes me think I may be greatly overdoing veg for my lot 😂 mine get 2 large mixing bowls heaped full between 14.
There seems to be two ways of feeding veg to avoid calcium stones, and that is go for alot of wet veg to flush out their bladders, or cut back on veg and get the ratio spot on
Looking at that basin of veg makes me think I may be greatly overdoing veg for my lot 😂 mine get 2 large mixing bowls heaped full between 14.
It’s a huge washing up bowl, not a basin, so really deep. Ours have a huge amount of veg.
There seems to be two ways of feeding veg to avoid calcium stones, and that is go for alot of wet veg to flush out their bladders, or cut back on veg and get the ratio spot on
They need water in their diet. Who made up the ratio? Where did the figures come from?
Oh Lord.. so it is 🤣 I can see it now. I've been up all night so I'm going to blame it on being tired lol
I just chuck it all in...swish it around with my hand and then handfuls get put into each cage. It means some get more of a certain thing than others, but over time it all levels out!
I just fed my two a big pile of fresh grass. They almost gave up their souls for it
They would've loved that! I am so passionate about allowing animals to exhibit normal, species specific behaviour, as much as possible!
I do feed grass more in summer, but it looks OK out, I got to be careful though because there are wild fungwi and mushrooms growing in the shaded parts. But il def not pick any by mistake in the grass
At this time of year, when they aren't getting out on the grass, I also feed a handful of readigrass per pair of pigs, per day!
I gave up feeding Readigrass with Rupert’s bladder stones and became a paranoid piggy owner! He’s the only pig I’ve had with them/bladder issues though, never had problems with anyone else and when I helped at R&GP Welfare they had it every other day in autumn/winter when not so much grass. My first older boys never had issues and at the rescue over 18months. Think a purchase in order! Love the smell! 😍