for women (and men too)- the hpv virus

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Steve does try to tell me that I should as do most people but he doesn't press the subject cos he know's there's no point. It just ain't gonna happen.

I don't see the point. I'm never going to have children and I want to make sure I die before Steve cos I couldn't handle being a widow so there's no point finding out really is there? ;D
Many many reasons but mainly because I don't like them. They scare me. I never liked them even when I was a kid.
i want kids, but not now. very far from now! not ready yet.
i suppose if they irritate me, i can stuff them in the closet! lol ;D
LOL - on top of my probs with the smears I have to have that damn HYCOSY soon!

How do Gynae get into it? When they're young to they say.. 'Mummy, when I grow up I want to look at girlies fandango's'!?!?!?!

LMAO ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
princessguinea said:
i want kids, but not now. very far from now! not ready yet.
i suppose if they irritate me, i can stuff them in the closet! lol ;D

That's the trouble. Its illegal apparently. I say there's nothing wrong with locking kids in cupboards. At least you know where they are and they can't get into trouble ;D

Kelly, LMAO it does make you wonder doesn't it? ;D
I think Gynae is interesting . . . and they also do obstetrics too remember.
I always have!? hmmmmm ;D

and how do you get into it? Dreaming ever since you were little? LOL
lol..yea i can only imagine what they! umbrellas downstairs!
"mum, i wanna see the woman's equipment. i would like to see how it runs!"
i think every nite i would bonk him on the head just to shake off all the coochies he stared at all day! ;D
he would probably quit and start checking out "ding dongs" instead! lol :o :o ;D
Smears, I'm going all immature now *RUNS* theres noway I'm havin them id rather die a virgin lol x
I've never had one and I never intend to. But then, I only have me to worry about. If you intend on having kids at some stage you owe it to them to keep yourself healthy
Steve said he would look after the pets. Don't worry they were the first things I thought of. I've lined someone else up to look after them if anything happens to Steve too. ;D ;D
LOL I even have my last meal worked out in case I'm ever executed. Well you never know! ;D

And I know what song I'll have played at my funeral ;D
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