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for women (and men too)- the hpv virus

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i think every nite i would bonk him on the head just to shake off all the coochies he stared at all day! ;D
he would probably quit and start checking out "ding dongs" instead! lol :o :o ;D
Smears, I'm going all immature now *RUNS* theres noway I'm havin them id rather die a virgin lol x
I've never had one and I never intend to. But then, I only have me to worry about. If you intend on having kids at some stage you owe it to them to keep yourself healthy
Steve said he would look after the pets. Don't worry they were the first things I thought of. I've lined someone else up to look after them if anything happens to Steve too. ;D ;D
LOL I even have my last meal worked out in case I'm ever executed. Well you never know! ;D

And I know what song I'll have played at my funeral ;D
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