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Hannah’s Herd thread!

Some photos of the piggies during the past wheek.

I managed to get a group photo of Emily, Lion and Buttons. It was very difficult mind you!

Emily enjoying a fresh tray of hay.

Maude exploring the ‘dirty’ fleeces during floortime..

Maude being weighed..

Olive just looking totally adorable!

Newton being cute and handsome..

Me and Newton having a cuddle

Buttons hoping for food..

Henry begging..
Ouch, that looks nasty.
Hopefully you’ve caught it quickly enough to avoid any damage.
Omg what is Emily up to ❤️thankfully you’re very experienced with this @Hannah_xx
I hope lovely Emily is ok 🥰
Maude got hay poke recently, and again 2 days ago 😐😐 the one 2 days ago I pulled it out her eye, applied drops. Put her down for floortime while I cleaned them out, she went straight over to her dirty hay tray I’d put on the floor.. she just LOOKED at it, walked off and there was another piece of hay in her Eye🫠

I actually think Maude is destined to be blind one day.
Maude got hay poke recently, and again 2 days ago 😐😐 the one 2 days ago I pulled it out her eye, applied drops. Put her down for floortime while I cleaned them out, she went straight over to her dirty hay tray I’d put on the floor.. she just LOOKED at it, walked off and there was another piece of hay in her Eye🫠

I actually think Maude is destined to be blind one day.
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Oh Maude you must start wearing goggles when you go hay diving!

Henry is off to the vets tomorrow to check out his armpit lumps.
Lion is at the vets on Friday for a follow up on his tooth problem. -his teeth seem to be straightening back up. Bottom incisor is still thick, and he is getting hay seeds stuck in his bottom gum. But he is happy and well.
Roxy chicken is going to the vet Friday too, she’s been limping.

One week into my new job, it’s going well.

Here is Maude, She got right in the way when I was putting their grass in.. doesn’t help she’s half blind..

I got a cute photo of my horses and me all together today!
Lovely photos Hannah
Well done on your new job …..we knew you’d do it 🥰
Hope Henry, Lion, Maude and Roxy get on ok you are such a dedicated owner spotting all these things early