I'm Really Worried

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 15, 2017
Reaction score
Braga, Portugal
I got my first piggy (Nymeria) 5 days ago on my birthday and, even though she's a bit of a nervous one, everything has been fine.
Yesterday, while buying things for her, I decided to get her a friend. The baby piggy is around 2 months old and was very calm at first. After I introduced her to Nymeria, Bubbles started to become nervous too. Nymeria tries to play with her and she squeaks really loudly. I don't know if that's normal, if she's sick or if she's just really scared.
When my brother was petting Bubbles she started to do this weird hiccuping motion with her head back and forth. I have no clue what it means, I've looked everywhere. I hope she's alright... I picked her up and petted her and it stopped but I'm still really worried.
She squeaks loudly every 5 minutes, I couldn't sleep all night.
@Wiebke will be the best person to answer your query, she's our expert in piggy body language. ;)
I got my first piggy (Nymeria) 5 days ago on my birthday and, even though she's a bit of a nervous one, everything has been fine.
Yesterday, while buying things for her, I decided to get her a friend. The baby piggy is around 2 months old and was very calm at first. After I introduced her to Nymeria, Bubbles started to become nervous too. Nymeria tries to play with her and she squeaks really loudly. I don't know if that's normal, if she's sick or if she's just really scared.
When my brother was petting Bubbles she started to do this weird hiccuping motion with her head back and forth. I have no clue what it means, I've looked everywhere. I hope she's alright... I picked her up and petted her and it stopped but I'm still really worried.
She squeaks loudly every 5 minutes, I couldn't sleep all night.


It is great that you have got Nymeria a friend. Bubbles is unfortunately very scared at the moment. Please do not handle her for the time being and let the two girls sort things out between the first. Guinea pigs are prey animals, they are not born as cuddly pets.

Please remove any hideys with just one exit while the girls are bonding and sorting out the who come boss once Bubbles has got her bearings. Right now, she wants to be left alone to do that.

Please take the time to read our step-by-step guides, which have lots of really useful tips and which will help you to understand what is going on:
Settling in scared piggies and making friends with them once they have got their bearings:
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig

Understanding guinea pig behaviours and bonding tips (with pictures):
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

We have got lots more helpful advice for new owners via this link here: New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit

It is great that you have got Nymeria a friend. Bubbles is unfortunately very scared at the moment. Please do not handle her for the time being and let the two girls sort things out between the first. Guinea pigs are prey animals, they are not born as cuddly pets.

Please remove any hideys with just one exit while the girls are bonding and sorting out the who come boss once Bubbles has got her bearings. Right now, she wants to be left alone to do that.

Please take the time to read our step-by-step guides, which have lots of really useful tips and which will help you to understand what is going on:
Settling in scared piggies and making friends with them once they have got their bearings:
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig

Understanding guinea pig behaviours and bonding tips (with pictures):
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

We have got lots more helpful advice for new owners via this link here: New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit
Thank you so much for your answer. Just one more thing: is the hiccup motion thing normal?
Thank you so much for your answer. Just one more thing: is the hiccup motion thing normal?

It can happen very occasionally, but it usually passes fairly quickly. I would only worry if it is a regular thing. Just keep Bubbles as calm as possible for some days until she has settled down. It was obviously a bit too much for her.
It can happen very occasionally, but it usually passes fairly quickly. I would only worry if it is a regular thing. Just keep Bubbles as calm as possible for some days until she has settled down. It was obviously a bit too much for her.
Thank you so so much. I'm a very anxious person so my mom got me a pet so i could be happier yet, every little thing out of the ordinary can really scare me.
Thank you so so much. I'm a very anxious person so my mom got me a pet so i could be happier yet, every little thing out of the ordinary can really scare me.

Take a deep breath!

Our new owners guide collection contains several guides on how to learn what is normal and what not and how to spot signs of illness. When you have anxiety issues, it would be good to leave the weekly health check and weigh-in to your mum. It is very easy to get obsessive about it - and your piggies are there to bring you joy and not as new source of worries. ;)
Take a deep breath!

Our new owners guide collection contains several guides on how to learn what is normal and what not and how to spot signs of illness. When you have anxiety issues, it would be good to leave the weekly health check and weigh-in to your mum. It is very easy to get obsessive about it - and your piggies are there to bring you joy and not as new source of worries. ;)
Well... Now I'm worried again. I've health checked Bubbles, she breathes normally, has no nose or eye discharge yet she does this sound like a sneeze. Has been doing it all day. It's nothing like the guinea pigs sneezes I've heard. It sounds like a very fast expelling or air through the nostrils. Any idea of what it could be? I know sneezing can be a sign of an URI...
Also, my mom can't do said health check as she doesn't live with me. I have no problem doing it, I just get a bit too worried.
Well... Now I'm worried again. I've health checked Bubbles, she breathes normally, has no nose or eye discharge yet she does this sound like a sneeze. Has been doing it all day. It's nothing like the guinea pigs sneezes I've heard. It sounds like a very fast expelling or air through the nostrils. Any idea of what it could be? I know sneezing can be a sign of an URI...
Also, my mom can't do said health check as she doesn't live with me. I have no problem doing it, I just get a bit too worried.

If in doubt, please see a vet. We cannot diagnose online without seeing or checking your piggy, nor are we qualified vets.

You can hold your ear against her nose and chest and listen as to whether the airways are clear. Guinea pigs have very narrow airways, so the smallest obstruction (whatever it is) is always very audible.
If in doubt, please see a vet. We cannot diagnose online without seeing or checking your piggy, nor are we qualified vets.

You can hold your ear against her nose and chest and listen as to whether the airways are clear. Guinea pigs have very narrow airways, so the smallest obstruction (whatever it is) is always very audible.
Thank you, I'll be sure to do that
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