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Imaverol Help


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
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Hi. So my two guinea pigs have got ringworm. If I used imaverol every 3 days do I still need to apply cream etc? I've read the thread on ringworm but I can't get the oral medication from my vets, they don't tend to offer it.

How do you wash them with imaverol properly without getting it in their eyes and ears please?
Hi. So my two guinea pigs have got ringworm. If I used imaverol every 3 days do I still need to apply cream etc? I've read the thread on ringworm but I can't get the oral medication from my vets, they don't tend to offer it.

How do you wash them with imaverol properly without getting it in their eyes and ears please?


Use a cotton bud and gently dab the imaverol on; make sure that it still gets to the hair roots in the area surrounding an acute patch. That is where ringworm usually sits and why all infected hairs need to come out so it is going to look worse before it gets better. Be aware that any dip can make the eyes swell if you apply too much. That also goes for any creaming too close to the eye; use the cream only very lightly in a very thin film if I you wish to.
Continue bathing and drying on until there are no longer any fungal exudate crusts forming on the affected patches.

I am very sorry that your vet won't prescribe itrafungol - it is so much less hassle and so much safer, especially when you have ringworm close to the eye or ear or have it already in spreading in several places.

Be careful not touch yourself automatically until after you have thoroughly washed your hands and cream any areas you are aware that you have touched. That is how owners usually pick up ringworm - typically around the neck or face; the arms or bare legs.

All the best!

Use a cotton bud and gently dab the imaverol on; make sure that it still gets to the hair roots in the area surrounding an acute patch. That is where ringworm usually sits and why all infected hairs need to come out so it is going to look worse before it gets better. Be aware that any dip can make the eyes swell if you apply too much. That also goes for any creaming too close to the eye; use the cream only very lightly in a very thin film if I you wish to.
Continue bathing and drying on until there are no longer any fungal exudate crusts forming on the affected patches.

I am very sorry that your vet won't prescribe itrafungol - it is so much less hassle and so much safer, especially when you have ringworm close to the eye or ear or have it already in spreading in several places.

Be careful not touch yourself automatically until after you have thoroughly washed your hands and cream any areas you are aware that you have touched. That is how owners usually pick up ringworm - typically around the neck or face; the arms or bare legs.

All the best!
Thank you. How often do you bathe and apply the imaverol please? Is it every three days or does it need to be more often?