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Infection near penis in my baby boar


New Born Pup
Feb 20, 2021
Reaction score
hi, i took my pig to the vet because he has an infection near his genitals. there was a large abscess underneath all the yuckiness, and now that he’s home, he won’t stop biting things and making a weird grunt?
i have a video but i’m not too sure how to post it. anything helps
thank you
You need to upload your video on a third party site such as YouTube or Vimeo. Then you can post the link here.
Please can you give us more details of what he has had done - has the abscess been stitched open to drain? Has he been given antibiotics and painkillers? Grunting and angry biting are usually signs of pain, so please speak to the vet about improving his pain control.
update, sorry guys. he passed away last night. i appreciate all your guys’ help.