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Kelly's Cavies.


Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
I am starting a thread for just piggy pics so hopefully my guineas will bond. Womble will go in with the girls on Saturday as the 5th Feb is 8 weeks since his castration which is what the vet advised.

A reintroduction and personality trait update.

The first guinea pigs I owned - Womble and Stripe.
We got them when they were 8 months old in 2018.

Stripe was a shy pig who chirped to himself as he walked around the cage. We think he was part Sheltie because he had a long bum. He loved going up his ramp and weighed slightly more than Womble so we think he was the boss pig.

Unfortunately was put to sleep end of October 2020 as he had so many bladder stones at 3 and a half years old. I miss him.

Womble is a Peruvian lilac Boar.
He's currently 3 years and 9 months old and is awaiting the time when he can bond with the girls.
He's sassy, bossy, loves chewing at the bars and standing waiting with his paws on his bowl to show us he's hungry and gives a happy little shake when he expects a treat is coming his way. He is the undisputed favourite and he knows it. He's been through a lot this year. We love him so much.

This is Pinto.
She's perhaps 3-5 months old.
She is a blonde, beautiful short haired sow.
She's happy, curious and likes to play with her sister. She is the smallest of the bunch, but she's not as scared as her sister.
She's a cute, baby bean. Her and sister are very vocal when they hear the fridge/treat drawer/wrappers/chopping/human voices directed at them and they encouraged Womble to speak again when we thought he lost his voice. (It came back after a couple of months)

This is Truffle.
She is the same age of Pinto and I think they are from the same litter but not certain.
You can only take pictures of you're holding her or from a distance. She gets vocal like her sister but will not stay out in the open if you approach her, happier to take her treat/veggies in the cover of a hide.
She is the bigger of the two girls which at the moment makes her boss pig. Let's see what happens with the introduction this weekend. 😅
Hope this wasn't too much text but I'm making this my pig picture thread so I thought it was best to explain things. 😋
What gorgeous piggies.
Hope all goes well for the bonding.
The guides on the forum are excellent and really saved my sanity when I bonded 2 pairs of sows.
Aw, beautiful piggies ❤ Wishing Womble good luck for the bonding x
Have you read the bonding guides, I hope you are more lucky than we were with little Hector. Our naughty girls managed to fall out with each other🙄 never mind Hector
I have been looking into bonding these last couple of months and have read the threads perhaps before he got neutered and maybe during Christmas but I am sure I will need to refresh my memory again to make sure I get this as right as I can. 🙂
Sorry Womble did you do a zoomie? I have never in my life seen him do a zoomie, I have never seen him so content. :) I am so happy he's with the girls.
I think the plan is 2 sows and 1 boar or a group from now on. :)