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Liliath Carmelita's Regal Ramblings


Junior Guinea Pig
May 19, 2024
Reaction score
In a very happy place
Hi everyone. I'm Liliath Carmelita. You can Caramel Lilly, or Lilly for short, but you really should know my royal name. Maybe I will tell you about the line of royalty I descend from sometime.

Anyway, I am about 6 weeks (get it?) old, and my human just adopted me yesterday. He seems okay, I think. Actually still not sure about him. But I did dig the apple slices.

I am going to have him posting pictures of me on here for everyone to see... because who wouldn't want to? He says he has a big house for me to live in on the way and lots and lots of hides and toys. Something about a litter box too, whatever that means. And a... what was that word... Oh, hammock! Wait. HAMmock?! That might not be such a great thing!

At any rate, I can't wait to meet all of you. Stop by and say hi. I hope you like my stories.


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This is Josh, Lilly's person. She is a doll but still adjusting to me. As such, I did have to work some editing magic to get a non-cage picture of Lilly. From this point on though, her photo updates will be real time, starting with last night, her first night here at her new home.

I am new to this so will appreciate any input y have to give along the way. Thanks for stopping by.
Just moved in here. Not that anyone asked what I thought. Now this person keeps talking to me. At least he got my name right. Well, if he seems like he won't try to eat me, I might sneak out and explore. I can watch him from in here for now. Sure glad he can't see me.


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He doesn't look hungry so I think I can explore and... What IS this amazing soft stuff? Can I wear it? Is it food? Can I EAT it?!...

Nope not food. But it is fun to pull.

P.S. zucchini and baby carrots are delicious.


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My person keeps pointing that shiny thing he holds and talks into so much at me. Not sure what is going on. He is not getting a great shot though. Eat and duck


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This guy gets me... I think. He knows apples and hay make a delicious dinner. And the way to a pigs heart is her stomach. Still not sure if I trust him though.


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Welcome to the forum

Your little piggy is beautiful!

Does she have a friend to live with? As a highly social herd animal, piggies always need to be bonded with another piggy (particularly one so young should never be alone).
Josh speaking now. She said I could answer. Unfortunately, she is flying solo for now. Can't afford to spend $90 on a second. But I am home in the mornings and early afternoons for the most part, and always home at night. As she gets used to me she will have that socialization. Id like to find a friend for her, but not many people are giving away piggies.
Josh speaking now. She said I could answer. Unfortunately, she is flying solo for now. Can't afford to spend $90 on a second. But I am home in the mornings and early afternoons for the most part, and always home at night. As she gets used to me she will have that socialization. Id like to find a friend for her, but not many people are giving away piggies.

Unfortunately no amount of human interaction is enough - it simply doesn’t replace living with another piggy as there is no mutual communication (a lot of interaction is via body language and scent which you can’t replace). As a single she will transfer all her social needs onto you which won’t correlate with your available hours, and single piggies do get depressed and lonely.
Not everybody has access to rescue centres but even buying from a shop is preferable to being kept alone.
It would be best for her welfare for you to try to find her a friend.

The guides below explain a bit more

Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities

Do make sure you are prepared for vet bills - getting the piggies and housing etc can be the cheapest part of keeping piggies. Vet bills can run into thousands.
Hello Josh and Lilly,
:wel: to the forum!
I'm sure that you're both really excited about your new living arrangement, but please make sure that Lilly has enough time to settle in before you start her public life (that she deserves of course - given her royal ancestry and her beauty).

New Guinea Pigs: How to Best Manage Arrival and Settling In
New Owners' Essential Information and Practical Tips Starter Collection

As @Piggies&buns already explained, guinea pigs need a piggy companion. Especially baby guinea pigs like your girl.
A human can never really substitute a piggy companion just because we can never be a guinea pig.
So maybe you can find a way to adopt another girl.
And please be sure to safe enough money for vet bills and all other costs of living for your girl (or girls). Piggies are not very cheap pets even though they are small.
Wheek wheek wheek wheek wheek wheek! Polo: Hi little Lilly! Nice to meet you. Sorry we can't meet in person. Truffle says hi (he asked me to write this and I said yeah, whatever 😄) but we are very pleased to wheek to you!
Hello pretty lady from The Beastie Boys.
They said to reassure you that hammocks are the best thing ever ❤️
Going to try to get her a friend from the shelter. There are 3 listed there, 2 female, 1 male (just... no males). Hoping they don't make it complicated.

That’s great news - it really will be in her best interest!

You must make sure your cage is big enough for two females - that is ideally 150x60cm but 120x60 minimum. Make sure there is two of everything in the cage (two bottles, two hay piles, at least two hides (hence why the cage needs to be large)) that there are no hides with only one exit (so the pink igloo in the picture can’t be used). We also don’t recommend the use of food bowls - it’s better to scatter veg and the one tablespoon of plain pellets around the cage to encourage foraging which can prevent food hogging when in a pair but also is a great form of entertainment and mental stimulation for pairs but is very important while she is single.

Make sure you bond them properly on neutral territory (do not just put the new piggy directly into her cage).

This is the guide that explains the full bonding process
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Great news. Lilly will thank you for getting her a friend. Will they let you take Lilly to the shelter so she can see which sow she gets on best with?

PS please read the bonding guides linked above. Don’t just pop another piggy in the cage. Good luck.
That’s great news - it really will be in her best interest!

You must make sure your cage is big enough for two females - that is ideally 150x60cm but 120x60 minimum. Make sure there is two of everything in the cage (two bottles, two hay piles, at least two hides (hence why the cage needs to be large)) that there are no hides with only one exit (so the pink igloo in the picture can’t be used). We also don’t recommend the use of food bowls - it’s better to scatter veg and the one tablespoon of plain pellets around the cage to encourage foraging which can prevent food hogging when in a pair but also is a great form of entertainment and mental stimulation for pairs but is very important while she is single.

Make sure you bond them properly on neutral territory (do not just put the new piggy directly into her cage).

This is the guide that explains the full bonding process
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

Enough room and two of everything... I just bought a Triple Decker with a hammock at the top off Temu, a different bigger water bottle, at least 4 hides, a 3 way tunnel toy, two food puzzle boxes, and more toys than a bundle of 4 gerbhampster pigs could figure out what to do with! I think that is covered. 😂
So glad that beautiful Lilly 🥰 is going to have a companion soon.
You will get a lot of fun watching the interaction between them.

I highly recommend the bonding thread - it saved my sanity!

The various guides on housing and feeding will be very helpful.

More pictures of your beautiful Lilly will be very welcome 🤗
Enough room and two of everything... I just bought a Triple Decker with a hammock at the top off Temu, a different bigger water bottle, at least 4 hides, a 3 way tunnel toy, two food puzzle boxes, and more toys than a bundle of 4 gerbhampster pigs could figure out what to do with! I think that is covered. 😂

A triple decker cage?
If that is what you mean then I’m afraid they aren’t suitable for piggies. Piggies are ground roaming creatures who need single level living and for their cage to measurement requirements on that one (bottom) level. One additional level is fine for a bonus space but doesn’t count towards the cage size (and in some cases a ramp can cause problems between a pair of one claims it as their own territory and refused to let the other use it). Piggies aren’t natural climbers and not all will use ramps. Any ramp in a cage needs to be a shallow gradient, have plenty of grip and have sides on it.

Perhaps if you add pictures with measurements of the cage we can help you as to whether it is suitable. Unfortunately a lot of commercial cages simply aren’t right for piggies and we don’t want you to find yourself in a situation with an inappropriate cage

Most piggies ignore toys so don’t be disappointed if they don’t get used!

Cage Size Guide
Housing, Enrichment and Seasonal care