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Liliath Carmelita's Regal Ramblings

There's also this if it looks the right size and can be reconfigured


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Mine always loved a paper bag full of hay as a favourite plaything.
The kind of paper bags you get groceries packed in are ideal.
Most of our bags lasted about 5 days as they were slept in, weed in, pooped in, chewed and the hay was eaten as well as being strewn all over.
Mine always loved a paper bag full of hay as a favourite plaything.
The kind of paper bags you get groceries packed in are ideal.
Most of our bags lasted about 5 days as they were slept in, weed in, pooped in, chewed and the hay was eaten as well as being strewn all over.
Hi everyone, Liliath Carmelita here again. I think I am safe-ish with this person. Besides, when a girl has got zoomies, a girl has to zoom, popcorn, and week. That's what life is for, right? And cuddles, but we'll sort that out.

My person has started laying down by my house and talking to me for some strange reason. Do people usually lay on floors? Anyway, he's beside and sometimes a little in my cage a lot now. And he hand feeds me carrots and hay... as is befitting royalty of course. He doesn't even mind when I nibble at his hand a little.

I think I am going to be okay here. Just as long as he remembers who is in charge in this joint.


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Hi Liliath Carmelita,
yes, slaves can act strangely at times, but that's mostly harmless. You'll find that hoomans are not the brightest creatures on the world.
Talking to us, reading to us, sitting next to the cage, even laying on the floor ... that's all acceptable behaviour.
Have lot's of fun!
Wheeks Odi
Greetings Your Majesty,
Have you got your slave to try giving you fresh herbs yet? They are so very yummy and much better for your figure and tummy than carrots. Because they smell so good we find them utterly irresistible and will do almost anything for mint, dill, parsley, basil or coriander.
Oh and mustn't forget about pea flakes, the ultimate hand feeding treat! I take them so very gently using my lips but Master Boris "accidentally" gives the occasional little teefies scrape to the finger when he grabs them!
You are very beautiful and we are glad you made your minion join the forum as the slaves give really good advice that will ensure you stay happy and healthy.
Yours with kisses and rumbles,
The Beastie Boys,
Dignified Sir George and Mischievous Master Boris 💋
Greetings Your Majesty,
Have you got your slave to try giving you fresh herbs yet? They are so very yummy and much better for your figure and tummy than carrots. Because they smell so good we find them utterly irresistible and will do almost anything for mint, dill, parsley, basil or coriander.
Oh and mustn't forget about pea flakes, the ultimate hand feeding treat! I take them so very gently using my lips but Master Boris "accidentally" gives the occasional little teefies scrape to the finger when he grabs them!
You are very beautiful and we are glad you made your minion join the forum as the slaves give really good advice that will ensure you stay happy and healthy.
Yours with kisses and rumbles,
The Beastie Boys,
Dignified Sir George and Mischievous Master Boris 💋
I will relay the message and make appropriate demands.
A new hidey, toys, AND parsley! Still a little unsure of this person thing, but he is winning me over a little.


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Hello Liliath Carmelita!

It's lovely to see that there is some other royalty on here. I hope that you can get yourself a nice lady-in-wheeking soon; I enjoy chatting with mine quite a bit. It sounds like you've already found a decent attendant.
Be careful not to consume too much of the carrots and apples; they're tasty, but they're also quite high in sugar content, so they are more treat than everyday. We regal piggies must keep good, healthy diets in order to rule over our attendants properly. Herbs are excellent, as are romaine lettuce, sweet pepper, and cucumber. Just make sure to take it slow on new foods; our royal tummies are sensitive, as you know.

Princess Dustmop, Lexa (and lady-in-wheeking, Latte)
I have a new house! With lots and lots of room to run and puzzle toys and hideys and corners and hay! Lots and lots of hay! And toys. And hay! And all kinds of room to run! I think my person gets it. I've been wheeking at him about it for an hour now. And zooming and popcorning and playing. And I found the treats in the puzzle. Turns out I'm pretty smart! I think this house might work out after all!


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Wow, your dad has built you a real palace! Lucky girl! You cracked the puzzle, clever Lilly!