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Liliath Carmelita's Regal Ramblings

That set up looks so lovely for her. I'm so glad you've taken everybody's advice on board- she's got a piggy palace now, which I'm sure she'll be happy to welcome a friend into in the future. 😊

Keep the adorable pictures coming!
Greetings Your Majesty,
We are delighted to see you now reside in a palace befitting your status as royalty.
You are making good progress training your slave already. We noticed that you have some grids on top, it the slave planning on getting you some hammocks? We hope so as they are wonderful to sleep, play and potty (only Master Boris!) in.
Yours with kisses and rumbles,
Dignified Sir George and Mischievous Master Boris 💋
Update on the friend front. Not really happy with the local Humane Society. They complicate the adoption process way too much, and they don't seem to know the animals well. Their idea was for me to put her, at her 6 weeks old, with a trio of 2 year old females. The risks there.... Anyway, that route wasn't working.

So what instead I found a place where I can get a couple months female for $60. I already have enough of the toys and such that sharing won't be an issue. In a couple weeks (wheeks?😂) I will be getting her a companion from there. Obviously there is the space for me to put the dividers between them until they are used to being around each other. But she will be getting a roomie soon.
Update on the friend front. Not really happy with the local Humane Society. They complicate the adoption process way too much, and they don't seem to know the animals well. Their idea was for me to put her, at her 6 weeks old, with a trio of 2 year old females. The risks there.... Anyway, that route wasn't working.

So what instead I found a place where I can get a couple months female for $60. I already have enough of the toys and such that sharing won't be an issue. In a couple weeks (wheeks?😂) I will be getting her a companion from there. Obviously there is the space for me to put the dividers between them until they are used to being around each other. But she will be getting a roomie soon.

Out of interest, why do you think putting her with a trio of 2 year old females is a risk?
Sows are wired to live in herds and older sows generally accept youngsters very well. Provided you had space for four, it is actually worth a try.

You can’t put dividers between them if they are both young. Piggies under four months of age need to be bonded straight away, so you need to put them on neutral territory (never directly into your current piggy’s cage) as soon as you get the new one home. After a few hours in neutral territory and if all goes well you then need to thoroughly clean down the cage they are to live in together. You can then move them to their main cage together. It then takes two weeks for the relationship to be fully formed.

Never just put the new piggy directly into her cage as it can cause a fight.
As your current piggy (or at least both) are under four months, you also cannot do any kind of quarantine (again, because piggies under four months can never be alone). Therefore if the new piggy is coming from anywhere other than a reputable rescue (a rescue should have already dealt with potential transmissible illness risk during their quarantine and health check programme), you may have to accept that you could need to treat both piggies is the new piggy brings anything in. getting a piggy from anywhere other than reputable rescue is a risk.
Make sure you check the sex of the new piggy yourself Prior to putting them together

This guide fully explains the neutral territory bonding process
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
I had a bereaved sow in desperate need of company. There was no rescue near me at that point so I found 2 babies from a reputable pet shop.
Merab decided not to wait for me to bond them and promptly found her way to them and bonding was almost instant.
Merab needed company and the youngsters wanted an older ‘aunty ‘ pig.

Hope all goes well for you.
We look forward to news of the newbies - and photos.

The forum bonding guide is excellent by the way
So the issue with the local Humane Society here is twofold. One is that there are no small animal experts there, and if the group rejects her at first, they can end up hurting her because she's so much smaller. I don't want to risk that.

Two, they make adoption hyper complicated.

So I am getting her a piggy friend her age from a good pet store that sells them at $60, and they only sell females. And thanks for the bonding guide. Actually have a playpen on the way that will work well for what you suggested.
So the issue with the local Humane Society here is twofold. One is that there are no small animal experts there, and if the group rejects her at first, they can end up hurting her because she's so much smaller. I don't want to risk that.

Two, they make adoption hyper complicated.

So I am getting her a piggy friend her age from a good pet store that sells them at $60, and they only sell females. And thanks for the bonding guide. Actually have a playpen on the way that will work well for what you suggested.

Of course you can choose to not rescue from the humane society. Requirements of rescue centres are such to ensure the right homes are found and that the piggies will be safe and looked after by somebody knowledgeable, but sometimes they can become restrictive in areas which could do with a bit of flexibility to the actual situation.

Just so you have all the correct information about bonding - if the bonding fails, they won’t actually hurt her. She just won’t be accepted into the group. Her physical size is not a deterrent to a bonding with any pig of any age. It’s not common for sows to actually fight. Babies are rather well accepted because such a youngster cannot challenge for the current hierarchy between the existing herd. She will simply slot into the bottom of it. It’s also because youngsters do well with the guidance of older piggies.
Okay, minor piggy emergency. Apparently the grid on the enclosure is just big enough for Lilly to wriggle through. Had to catch her because she was hiding under the couch (she was not happy about that) and put her in her smaller cage (she's pissed) while I figure out how to jailbreak proof the enclosure. I don't know what to do.
Okay, minor piggy emergency. Apparently the grid on the enclosure is just big enough for Lilly to wriggle through. Had to catch her because she was hiding under the couch (she was not happy about that) and put her in her smaller cage (she's pissed) while I figure out how to jailbreak proof the enclosure. I don't know what to do.

Baby proof it by either doubling up and overlapping spare grids to make the gaps smaller. Or, zip tie cardboard around the grids (on the outside so she can’t chew it and get out anyway).
Baby proof it by either doubling up and overlapping spare grids to make the gaps smaller. Or, zip tie cardboard around the grids (on the outside so she can’t chew it and get out anyway).
So if I duct tape the cardboard outside the enclosure panels, it should work fine until she is no longer baby sized?
So if I duct tape the cardboard outside the enclosure panels, it should work fine until she is no longer baby sized?

It should but but it has to be secure.
I’ve just looked at the pictures youve posted and I’ve noticed your grids are only 7 hole grids. 7 and 8 hole grids are unsafe - they should be 9 holes. 7 hole grids can pose a risk even to adults if they try to get their heads through they came become stuck.

Which C&c Grids Are Piggy Safe?
Thankfully, that cageeTemu did a full refund on came today anyway, and it has the perfect DIY parts to rebuild the enclosure so she can't jailbreak it, and she's actually getting a nicer enclosure, hides and a hammock included. If she complains about this one, I swear I am going to have her living in the boxes all this stuff comes in, and I will live in the enclosure.
The enclosure 2.0


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Nice place. Still pissed at him. 😠 He picked me up against my will. Twice. Once when I had escaped the enclosure and was happily exploring an under-couch world (okay, so I was freaked out, but still), and he puts me in that tiny cage again. Then he picks me up and carries me against my will out of the cage, puts me back into the enclosure, but now the bars are different. Now I can't puzzle my way out again. My person is mean. 😠