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Lost Guinea Pig

Pete the pig

New Born Pup
Sep 25, 2017
Reaction score

A couple hours back we left our guinea pig out and now he is lost.

We usually keep him out in our brick patio(?) so he can walk around explore and eat some of the grass that grows nearby. He usually always stays in one place, and we naively left him out and assumed that that would always be the case. We have looked EVERYWHERE and still cannot find him. We followed the usual advice of looking in bushes and such and I cannot believe he traveled too far but it looks like he did. Our yard is relatively large, and we have been looking for almost an hour. It is dark so we have stopped looking but we are extremely concerned about him.

If anyone could provide advice that would be greatly appreciated!
Is your yard totally walled in? No way he could have gotten out under a fence or through a hole? Are there cats, foxes, large birds, etc. where you live? Poor little guy, I hope you find him soon and that he's okay
Leave food, shelter and water out in several places and hope for the best. Look again tomorrow and spread the word to neighbours.

This is why you need an enclosed run, not only so they don't wander off but so predators don't find them. Everyone keeps losing their pigs atm due to inadequate enclosures :(
I agree, place put something like a carrier with hay and water and hope for the best!
Fingers crossed he comes back to you ok Xx