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Male guinea pig for my females


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 22, 2019
Reaction score
Hi everyone, and merry Christmas Eve (or happy holidays)

I’ve been thinking a lot resently that I would like to get some male pigs for my females (I have 2 herds for females) as I’ve read this helps relax females and provents them from illnesses.

I was just wondering what age is best to get the Male pig. My females range from 2.5 months to 18 months.

Thank you for any and all advise for mixing my pigs.

The males will be nurtured.
I'm not sure how they are supposed to prevent illnesses, I don't think that's the case. But they can be a calming effect on a group. Age doesn't matter as much as personality and whether the top sow will accept him
I don’t know where you got that information, but I cannot see how having a male with them will prevent illnesses.

Age does not matter, a stable bond comes down to mutual liking and character compatibility. Any new pig has to be accepted into the herd and the best way to ensure any new piggy is character compatible is to have a rescue centre find a suitable boar for you.

A Male cannot just be put in with them. He needs to be six weeks post neuter operation (putting a boar in with sows before he has past six weeks means he could still get them pregnant) and any bonding needs to be done properly if you do it yourself - the guides below give details

Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?
Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics