My Guinea Pig Sprays Me! Help!

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New Born Pup
Jan 13, 2016
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Help! I have two girls (Biggie and Smalls) who are currently around six to seven months old. I've had them since they were little baby piggies and I notice a huge change since they've been going through puberty. Biggie and Smalls used to be very skittish, but with patience and constant handling they seem to enjoy being handled now and are comfortable wheeking for treats when I walk by their cage. They get exercise every day and have been handled for 15 minutes every day or so.

Smalls hit puberty after Biggie did and I can't believe the change in her. She used to be so affectionate and cuddly! Now handling her is a nightmare. She can't settle down and is constantly on the lookout and darts back and forth. She can't sit still for more than a few seconds. Nothing from her behaviour indicates that she is scared or frightened. She appears to be healthy to me, and I can reasonably rule out that it's not a pain response.

She will dart up on my shoulder and try to sit on the highest point on the couch. She used to perch there and relax and coo, but now she almost tries to scramble higher on top of the couch. If I'm holding her in my lap she will always try to dart higher on my shoulders or past them on the very top of the couch. She won't sit still and I'm worried she's going to hurt herself darting too high. She nips and me and has gotten into the habit of biting my shirt and pulling it. This happens immediately during lap time. Whenever I have enough of this behaviour I put her back on the towel or my lap and without fail she will turn around and spray me.

The last three times I've handled her she's sprayed me (or peed on me within just a few seconds of lap time).

I know she doesn't have a bladder infection and she seems to be healthy otherwise. I'm also convinced it isn't mites. They are very well looked after so I don't know why I'm having issues handling them now. I feel like this behaviour is a dominance issue and I don't know what's causing it! I've had piggies my whole life and they've always been sweet and affectionate.

How can I deal with this behaviour? She used to be such a sweet girl. I don't know why this is happening. It's really gross and I'm trying to persist with patience lap-time, but I have no idea how or why this behaviour started up. I don't know what's going on and I want the best for her.

TL;DNR My guinea pig started spraying me as soon as I remove her from climbing the couch during lap-time, and this has been a reoccuring issue.
I've seen them do this to each other, but from what I understand Piggies don't usually spray their people?

I don't understand why she would be so antsy. She gets lots of floor time and has lots of toys. She gets the same amount of affection and attention as Biggie, who seems quite content.
I'm so sorry you feel she has changed towards you. I can't really help as have never had females but I hope you get the answers soon :-)
Do you think that Biggie might be bullying her at all - now that she has reached puberty? I had two boars who were both very friendly and then one suddenly changed. One day he went frantic and escaped as I was moving him from the hutch to the run. On further inspection I noticed bite marks and found that the other boar had started to bully him. I had to split them but they got neutered and a girlfriend each. I just thought of this because he was really sociable, loving and sweet but then suddenly changed. It is only a guess and your two sows may be best of friends but I thought I would mention my experience.
I don't think there is any bullying going on. Biggie is the dominant one and rumble-struts all of the time, but the biggest behaviour I've noticed is spraying between the two of them. No physical bickering beyond that, really.
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