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Officially Indoor Pigs! (v Wordy!)

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 23, 2015
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When I got my three girls the intention was always to keep them outside in a pig shed, which I had had made specially, partly due to my OH's hay fever. We realised in the summer that the position of the shed meant it was going to get far too hot and I scrambled for a c&c as a summer house. So they came inside for the summer (OH, being a gardener, is on antihistamines all summer anyway) they went back out later in the year only to come back in again when I felt it was too cold ( I got soft - I got them in the previous January and they were fine in the shed!)

I arranged for electric to be put into the shed and a little heater. But it still wasn't holding heat and a total revamp of the insulation was needed. We decided to do this in the spring when we had more time/light in the evenings. So they stayed inside and I grew very keen on them staying inside, but it wasn't really fair on the OH who would need to take antihistamines all year round or be very itchy.

Over the winter OH developed a love of woodwork and has been filling up the garage with tools and work benches and fancy timber and asked if he could put the lawn mower/ pressure washer etc in the shed . . . for now, to make some space for a new saw. I, knowing that he'd not want to put them back in his 'work shop' when the time came, said 'yes, of course' !

This weekend, he said that I would need to make a decision about if we try to get the shed heat-tight, or if I wanted them to stay inside but he wasn't really looking forward to moving all the stuff from the shed back to the garage. I was still worried about his hay fever as I don't want him to suffer but he said he could cope, as long as the door to the spare room is always shut when I'm handling the hay and bedding and it gets aired regularly.

So they are staying inside! I shall be be extending their cage from a straight 2x5 to an L shaped 2x7 andgetting some cheep ikea tables too put them up on so I can store all their junk, I mean very important equipment and food, underneith instead of all over the room!

Now all I need is for the lawn to grow and it'll be perfect!

Decided that it is going to be too hard to find tables that fit the room and the cage, so we're off to B&Q tomorrow to buy loft boards, batons and legs so OH can make a custom table attached to the wall. Cage extension is ordered so once that arrives, we will get building :-)
Yes, we need...er...I need pics.

I'm always looking for ways to extend/upgrade my C&C cage...
Thought I'd get the 'before' out of the way!
The first pic is their current cage mid-clean - I used the front wall to see exactly how big the extension is going to be.
Second pic is them back in the cage. The flooring in front of the cage is the loft boards that OH has cut to the right size. It's killing my knees!

IMG_1078.JPG IMG_1086.JPG
IMG_1090.JPG We have progress. . . Built the two tables today and just checked the cage would fit! It's getting a basecoat of white tomorrow and then it's being painted yellow (because we have loads of yellow bathroom paint left!) next weekend so there will be time to it to dry and air out before the pigs go in on Sunday eve. And we'll be putting the extension on then, eeeee!
First night in their high-rise home!

Hadn't anticipate quite how high it would be with the grids on . . . I am not blessed with height and I need a step to reach the back corner , even more so when the extension goes on! Not quite sure how I'll get to the back corner but I'm thinking of not cable tying the front grids to the side ones and taking the whole front off, a bit like the photo above

Looks good. You could always cut a bit off the table legs to lower it a bit. Or invest In a step stool.
There's one in the bottom right of the photo! I was supposed to be another hide for the piggles but I decided my need was greater!
It's all up!


The inside front 2x3 grids are not cable tied as I have to take them off to clean out the cage! And I can barely reach the far corner. Step definitely required.
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