
  1. E

    Foil insulation, new shed for Guinea pigs 😊

    Hi everyone, I’ve got my 6 x 4 shed all built now and was putting my foil insulation in today. I was unsure whether is should or shouldn’t be attached straight onto the shed walls or is there supposed to a gap between…I went with the first option. I have just attached it using staples but...
  2. Swissgreys

    Cold Weather Care for Indoor and Outdoor Guinea Pigs

    1 Outdoor guinea pigs living in a hutch - How to prepare your hutch for Winter - Insulation - Daily care 2 Outdoor guinea pigs living in a shed/garage 3 All outdoor guinea pigs 4 Indoor guinea pigs - Preparing your cage - Preparing the room 1 Outdoor guinea pigs living in a hutch How to...
  3. Lizzieejoyce

    Hutch/shed heater recommendations

    Hello everyone, My guineas are in the shed for the winter but it’s still quite cold in there so I am looking for a heater or a heated blanket that’s safe to keep on overnight and likely 24/7 soon. Does anyone have any recommendations please? There’s no power out there so if there’s an...
  4. Swissgreys

    Member Gallery: Sheds

    Member Sheds Please use this thread to post pictures of your guinea pig shed. Try to include some information with the photo like: Where it was purchased/brand Any adaptations you have made What size it is How many piggies are kept in it How easy it is to keep clean/if you'd recommend it Any...
  5. Misty

    Too hot in a shed?

    Hi, The shed Chippy is in is the same temperature as the greenhouse so about 35C. Chippy is lethargic but is still eating and drinking. He has shade and cold water and has had fridge temperature veg. My question is should i move him into my room for the time being (until this hot weather has...
  6. S

    Are They Bored? + Shed And Hay Advice

    Hi everyone! Just wanted some advice/answers to a couple of questions. Firstly – hay. I give my two girlies loads of hay every day, in two different places, and also in a hay rack. I read that guinea pigs won’t eat hay that they’ve gone to the toilet in, but my girls seem to just go to the...
  7. P

    Bordatella Between Guinea Pigs And Rabbits

    I currently have 3 rabbits and am getting 2 guinea pigs once my dad and I have built a shed. Issue is, they'll have to share a shed. The rabbits will have a two story hutch and full run of the floor space during the day while the guinea pigs will have a raised hutch. Each will have a separate...
  8. K

    Boar Issues And Shed Conversion..

    my boars are not the best of friends at the moment. They are currently separated for fear they may cause some serious damage. They are in a 5ft double hutch at the moment in the shed. I want to give them more space but wanted your ideas and input? I am going to give them half of my 6x8ft shed...
  9. Petelixon

    Shed Or Playhouse?

    Hi. I was wondering do you prefer playhouses or sheds for your piggies? Anyone has any pictures of your set ups? Thank you x
  10. K

    Guinea Pigs Seem Sad Since Moving To The Shed

    hi everyone, This is probably a silly question.. we moved our boys to the shed last weekend because of all that horrible rain and wind as our garden isn't very well protected from the elements! I've ordered a snugglesafe to keep them warm in the evenings and I'm going to dig out an old duvet...
  11. PiggieNinja

    Too Much Space? Not Enough Space? Shed Advise Needed!

    ok. so. (please bare with me) I'm getting a shed for my piggies (8x6 ) and i was planning on giving them access to the entire shed floor plus an 'L' shaped shelf which will go along two of the sides (connected via ramp) but i just wondered if it is worth it? now dont get me wrong I LOVE MY...
  12. Guineapigfeet

    Officially Indoor Pigs! (v Wordy!)

    When I got my three girls the intention was always to keep them outside in a pig shed, which I had had made specially, partly due to my OH's hay fever. We realised in the summer that the position of the shed meant it was going to get far too hot and I scrambled for a c&c as a summer house. So...
  13. MadPiggies :D

    Guinea Pig Shed!help!

    At the moment my pigs live indoors in a TINY cage until they live outside in a hutch.I don't want them to live in a hutch because where I live it is too cold and Has a chance of foxes!I really want to use the garden shed for them to live in but my parents don't have much trust of me and I...
  14. Guineapigfeet

    Heaters And Heat Lamps?

    Does any one have any experience or advice on electric heaters for a shed? The pigs are free range so it can not go on the floor - must be wall or ceiling mounted. Mains electric will be installed in the shed though there isn't any currently. I've been looking at thermostat controlled green...
  15. Guineapigfeet

    Home Improvements

    I bought this lovely house for my piggies: and they don't use it! (the ramp is a bit slippy - bad mummy didn't cover it!) They sleep under it and only go in when put food in there. And they chew the legs. They are growing and they are finding it a squeeze to fit under comfortably and the legs...
  16. Guineapigfeet

    Cleaning Day!

    I do love a clean shed! They still don't go in the big house
  17. Cavy Kung-Fu

    I Want To Build A Piggy House!

    Hi guys, just looking for some advice as again, this is new territory for me! I've been looking at sheds/wendy houses/summer houses to be adapted into a piggy house for use in summer and winter, with loads of space to run around in, with the view of expanding my herd and with some sort of...
  18. Guineapigfeet

    Outdoor Thermometer

    With nicer weather, hopefully, on the way, I am thinking about my shed and the sun. I have already sourced shade cloth to fix over the windows to block direct sunlight (my shed is in sun for a few hours in the daytime) but I am looking for an accurate and reliable digital thermometer which I can...
  19. Guineapigfeet

    Solar Powered Shed

    I've just taken delivery of the solar panel and light for my shed. It says installation takes less than 10 minutes ... I feel this may be wildly optimistic!
  20. waterinks

    Housing Ideas For My Three Pigs

    Hi everyone! So, I was just looking for some advice regarding my situation. I have three boars who currently live indoors in a large c&c cage which is perfect and I'm really happy with. However, we are moving house and the rooms in the new house are going to be smaller unfortunately. As I live...