Too hot in a shed?


Junior Guinea Pig
May 12, 2017
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Hi, The shed Chippy is in is the same temperature as the greenhouse so about 35C. Chippy is lethargic but is still eating and drinking. He has shade and cold water and has had fridge temperature veg. My question is should i move him into my room for the time being (until this hot weather has stopped) or just keep changing his water and giving him a frozen water bottle covered in a sock?
As a temporary enclosure you can use your bathtub if you’ve nowhere else to put him. But it’s definitely too hot For him to be left in the shed.
He's now inside and seems a lot happier inside.:yahoo:and something even stranger is that when I told my dad I'm bringing him inside he said absolutely nothing about it and just said keep your room clean.:hmm:I have a feeling that I'm going to be doing chores later.
If anyone has any tips to keep him clean smell free and entertained at night this would be appreciated as I don't want him waking everyone up really early. Lol
I have indoor piggies and have added 3 freezer blocks to their cage to help keep them cool.
There’s a small fan going and the curtains are pulled.
They are all still more lethargic than usual
Chippy is normally very lethargic and doesn't popcorn like when we had Biscuit his cage mate. But I put that down to being lonely.
That I'm working on my parents seem sure that he is perfectly fine alone and they don't want to have a pet "chain " of guinea pigs:doh:
If you've managed to get him inside perhaps you can work on him staying inside in your room next to you lol.
My parents said that they didn't want him inside because of the mess, smell and noise so if I can keep on top of those then you never know they might just give in. I'm still thinking about how i can make sure Chippy doesn't wake us all up:hmm:
There shouldn't be any mess, smell or noise from one piggy. If there is mess then the cage walls are not high enough, if there is any smell then the cage is not being cleaned out enough and if there is any noise what is causing it in the middle of the night? Usually if you pop a sheet over the cage and turn the lights out they won't week until morning for veggies.

Guinea pigs don't do well in temperatures over 35° my piggy got heat stroke at 30° it only takes minutes for them to turn floppy and unresponsive. The best thing is to spray them with water, leave an ice pack in the cage covered by a towel, use a ceramic tile large enough to lay on which has been in the freezer. Place a frozen towel over the cage, freeze tin cans place outside of cage and make ice cubes for licking, makesure your piggy has watery veggies and a hair cut if they have long hair.
Sorry not 35° I ment 29° and over they can suffer heatroke especially if hiding in something with little ventilation
Thanks guys. Earlier Dad tried to blame Chippy for the smell in the dining room all i said was Chippy doesn't smell unless it's hay so your probably trying to blame Chippy over something you or mum did. That shut him up!
My piggies are still in the shed, but they have their own fan. ;)