Pigging Out

Let's try again, shall we.. 😁

We're on our way to drop the piggies off to Hop, Skip & Bunk in Northampton for their 2 week holiday. Remember we had to cancel our holiday on November last year because hubby got sick and we couldn't go on the day of our flight. And so far, so good at the moment, no issues yet.

I'm here sitting at the back seat with the piggies. Whitney's not very thrilled coz she's not used to being in the car. Bryce settled in quickly and munching on his hay. He's getting annoyed with Whitney though coz she keeps on going back and forth trying to go where he is because she's quite scared.

So we're back from our US holiday since Friday last week. But I cought some virus day 4 of our holiday, sore throat, cough and colds. Hubby said I might have picked it up from the airport. Thankfully it's not Covid. We still had a good time, albeit me being sick most of the 12 days we were away. But the last 2 days of our holiday, hubby cought the virus as well. So we were both sick coming back home. It's just a good thing that I was feeling a bit better on our day of flight home so I can handle all the things and help hubby. It was when we were driving back home after picking up the piggies that I felt bad again. I was sleeping on the sofa from the day we arrived and hubby in the bedroom. We can't be beside each other in the bed because we both keep waking up whenever one of us coughs! 😂

Today I feel a lot better. Still coughing and still have colds but I can do most of the stuff again. Hubby won't let me go shopping yet coz of my cough (mine is worse than him). He is bad because even though his cough and cold is mild, it kicked his immune system that then flares up his arthritis, so pain for him is much worse. I'm expecting though that by the weekend I'd be much much better.

Anyway, both Bryce and Whitney are fine. They did lose some weight, as just normal when we go on holidays and they are in another environment. But they're putting it all back again day by day. 😁😂

I’m sorry you are both poorly. Sending you both healing vibes for a speedy recovery.

Glad the piggies enjoyed their holiday.
Sorry to hear you are both ill. Hopefully you’ll be over the worst soon. I’m sure Whitney and Bryce are glad to be home.
Thanks guys! ❤️

Yeah Bryce and Whitney are both happy to be home. We arrived home around 7pm last Friday and they both went to their loft and slept most of the time. I did manage to pick up some veggies and cucumber for them in the services (SPAR), so they had food for that night and morning. Hubby said when he woke up at 8am the next day and opened their cage, they both went straight under their chair! 😂 Who says piggies dont know what they are doing eh?! 😂
We noticed Bryce this morning didn't try to run to the grass when hubby picked some for them. He was just sat there in the back of their chair nibbling some hay. So I had to put the grass in front of him to eat it. I weighed him after that and he only weighed 1318g. He is around 1340g (he never gained his weight back after our holiday on Feb, he was around 1430g before). So I fed him critical care and hand fed him his cucumber and melons. He ate around 12mls of cc and the melons but not the cucumbers.

So I put him back down on the floor and before he ran under the table, he squeaked, not happy squeaked though. And I noticed he looks like feeling uncomfortable like when you know how they move their back legs when they can't poop? He was doing that and making this little low sound squeak. He pooped normal though. So I picked him up again and put him inside their cage and he did that squeak again before going inside one of their fleece houses. And he is just there ever since. He usually goes on every bowl of food. Today he wasn't doing that. Hubby phoned the vet and he is taking him to the local vet at 3pm today. I can't go coz I have a dentist appointment at 3:40pm.

I'm worrying it might be something related to his back legs. He has always bunny hopped whenever he runs. I am hoping it's not something like arthritis. He will be 3yrs on June. Isn't that young for having arthritis? Although him being a fatty boy, would it be prone to arthritis? Fingers crossed there won't be any big issue that they see in the vets and that he's just having an off day.
I'm just here in Morrisons at the moment waiting for time to go to dentist. But before hubby dropped me off, Bryce was in the carrier on my lap. He wasn't moving much but when he moved and started digging under the hay, he made that tiny squeek again. So there is something that is hurting him. Hopefully the vet can sort something out. Whitney was sat beside him before we left. We couldn't take her with Bryce because she gets so anxious and scared in the car and usually tries to run around a lot in the carrier, which will only drive Bryce mad.
So we're back home now. Hubby said the vet has checked everything. Listened to Bryce's heart, lungs, stomach, checked the ears, eyes, checked his legs and feet, pee, poop, everything. She couldn't find anything wrong. When she checked his legs, hubby was holding Bryce and kept on biting his hands and fingers, which is normal for him whenever he wants to go down already. Vet just prescribed him Loxicom 0.4ml 2x a day just in case he's feeling some pain.

I already fed him 10mls of critical care again. He likes it so didn't really force him to eat it, which is a good sign because in my experience they refuse it when they are sick and they love it when they're not. He ate melons again. He's also eating hay and we picked up some grass and he ate some of it.

He's perked up enough this afternoon. I put him on the loft after I fed him. He managed to get up on top of their wooden house, and now he just went down the ramp and jumped to the floor and didn't squeek, so seems like no pain when moving. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

So just monitoring him for now and hopefully he'll be okay eventually. I was supposed to do a full clean of their cage today but I will just do that tomorrow so he can have a stress free rest in his cage for today.