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Rattling Noise when Breathing


New Born Pup
Feb 5, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone, new member here! This is my first thread so please be kind! I have a 5 year old guinea pig, every now and again he has an awful loud rattling noise whilst he is breathing. This has been happening more and more often as he gets older. I assume it to be hay stuck up his nose as it comes and goes. Can anyone suggest anything that would help my gp to remove this hay quicker from his nose, assuming it is hay in his nose which is making this sound? He doesn't seem to be bothered by it, still eating and drinking etc but it's so loud it sounds worrying! (I have a video of the noise but not sure how to post it?!) Thank you!
Hi - it will help people with experience of rattling noises if you can say roughly when it first started... all his life or in the past 6 months etc?
Is he well in himself? Eating and pooping normally?
Possibly in the last year or two but I think he maybe had it once or twice when he was younger. It doesn't normally last longer than a few days at most. It seems to be lasting longer the older he gets. He is well in himself, eating and pooping normally.

As respiratory issues can very quickly progress to being much more serious, it’s very much worth you having your boy checked by a piggy savvy vet to rule out any URI or problems affecting the airways.
You can minimise dust in the environment with bedding choices etc, but I would highly recommend a vet visit first to rule out any health issues.

Sending healing vibes for your boy
:agr: Please have your boy seen, especially as this has been ‘persistent’ over the last while. Also check there are no other possible irritants in the room.
it could be haydust in his nose, but you must rule out health issues with a vet check first
Thanks all, we have had a vet visit and Xray in the last month but I'll definitely be taking him to the vet pronto for a checkup! What kind of 'other irritants' could there be? If it was dust up his nose is there anything I can do to help him clear it? Or just have to wait for him to sneeze it out himself? Thanks!
If it is dust in his nose then he needs to sneeze it out. You will need to look at the brands youre using and as whether they are the most dust extracted you can buy. Other irritants are things like candles, perfumes, room spays, plug in air fresheners, deodorants, cigarette smoke etc. Humidity in the room can also play a part - air being too dry caused by central heating for example.
As said though, medical issues need to be ruled out first.
Do let us know how you get on with the vet
Thanks very much @Piggies&buns ! He has his own room, I am very careful to avoid any artificial smells and we are non smokers... I however have never thought about the central heating making the air dry for him! With it being winter it has been on a lot... I have a humidifier which I can put in the room - thanks for the tip :-) I'll let you all know how we get on with his health check!
Does he live with a friend or alone?