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  1. nicolecorrine

    Guinea Pig URI Help

    Hello, my guinea pig, Bailey, has a URI. She has been on Meloxicam and Enrofloxacin for 5 days now and she still doesn’t seem to be improving. She is still eating, drinking, and pooping, but it is significantly less than normal. I had another visit with her today to the vet and she gave me...
  2. cinnamon7

    guinea pig sounds like it got a blocked nose

    my guinea pig has been making weird breathing sounds through her nose, sounds blocked. This started happening when i gave her a bath because she has lice here’s a video 10 September 2023
  3. V

    Tips for removing snot.

    Hi, my name is Martin and i have a guinea pig, Theodor. Theodor has started having some problems with his lungs a little bit more than a year ago. We have been to the doctors multiple times its always been the same, he gets antibiotics daily and we have been told he will need this regularly...
  4. Tuftyhuns

    Noisy breathing

    Hi all, My Guinea has developed this strange breathing, it sounds as if she is sort of snoring when she breathes like she has a cold/congested? It’s really on and off she’s not doing it constantly. She’s absolutely fine in herself being the greedy girl she always is! I’ve taken her to the vets...
  5. T

    Guinea pig breathing

    I just wanted to know why my Guinea pig was nodding forward very slightly while breathing when he was sleeping today. His breathing pattern is normal and he isn’t struggling to breathe at all (he doesn’t have movement breathing while he is active). Just noticed his head moving forward while he...
  6. J

    New pig owner and one of my pigs is breathing a bit fast

    Hi all, I am new to the Guinea pig scene and just a few days ago I got myself two lovely boys, they seem happy, they make the right noises and they eat and go to the toilet normally and all seems healthy, however one of the boys seems a bit shy and after I try to interact with him his breathing...
  7. U

    Death of Guinea Pigs

    Hello All, I've brought 3 guinea pigs from a local pet store, all little ones, maybe 2 month old. One after another all the 3 have died in similar circumstances with a week's gap between each. The following happened in sequence (D=Day of death) 1) Super healthy, energetic and fully active till...
  8. AppleandTwig

    Mute or Sick Guinea Pig?

    Hi one of my Guinea pigs recently passed away, his partner never really made much sounds. But after the passing we realized his partner didn’t make sounds at all, other then the occasional chatter after his friends death. It’s been about 2 weeks and we are still searching for a new home...
  9. T

    Are these signs of serious illness?

    Back story: I’ve had a long journey with my guinea pigs so far and need some health advice. I bought two piggies from petsmart about a month ago. One of them started to seem noticeably sick within a week and a half of having her. She ate, drank but just seemed off (rough coat, sunken eye). We...
  10. Katie A

    Is this normal or abnormal breathing?

    Hi everyone! I'm a new guinea pig owner of two boars named Leo and Odi. I have been to the vet 3 times over the past 2 weeks (two different vets). Both vets agreed he had a slight URI and he took antibiotics for 2 weeks. His energy and appetite improved after the antibiotics, and he's only been...
  11. L

    My baby boar is sneezing a lot and has a light sound when he breathes...

    Hi! I just got a baby boar yesterday, and he is adapting well to his environment and he already likes his cage mate. I do have some concerns. There is a bit of light noise when he breathes. I’m not sure if it is from my other pig’s fur or if it is because of something else. Has anyone had this...
  12. KingEric

    Rattling Noise when Breathing

    Hi everyone, new member here! This is my first thread so please be kind! I have a 5 year old guinea pig, every now and again he has an awful loud rattling noise whilst he is breathing. This has been happening more and more often as he gets older. I assume it to be hay stuck up his nose as it...
  13. Jasmined

    Is this URI or allergy? Please help

    Yesterday morning I noticed I could hear Teddy breathing a little heavier than normal after I’d heard her sneeze a few times. by the afternoon her breathing had become more noisy and her sneezes sounded a little wet, some crustiness round her nose. By Luck managed to get her a vet appointment...
  14. C

    Breathing problems

    Hi all. In the past i have came on this forum looking for ways to help my guinea pig with her breathing problems. I have went to the vet twice now for that issue and have not found a straight answer about it, but considering she was happy, healthy, and eating just fine- we decided it was best to...
  15. TaraS-D

    Guinea pig breathing weirdly, am I overthinking?

    Hi! It's been a good year or two since the last time I've visited this forum. I don't know if I'm being paranoid but my guinea pig's breathing is sounding quite strange. Smudge (1 years old) was running around in her run with the rest of the pigs, but as i got closer it sounded louder and...
  16. L

    Does anyone know what this sound is all about?

    Hi all! I have a two and a half year old guinea pig. For the six months that I have had her, I have noticed from time to time she makes these odd sounds that almost sound like she is having a difficult time breathing. I Have not taken her to the vet since I got her and I am unsure if her...
  17. Dajofi

    Young Pig Behaviour - Help?

    Hey, We bought 2 young (7-8 weeks) male pigs 2 days ago and we’ve noticed the more confident one is shaking/shivering and breathing quite rapidly (only noticeable from his sides), additionally he’s sneezing/coughing every now and then. We’re unsure what to do next as we don’t want to unsettle...
  18. W

    Sleeping? Or is there something wrong?

    My guinea pig Nymeria was sleeping, I think, on top of hay, she was laying on her side, eyes open but breathing in a way that made her body move back and forth (not sure how else to explain it). I could see her breathing, it seemed normal and everything. I touched her and she did nothing, I...
  19. W


    Sorry for the long post, it's been a long process, my pig Wayne has been sick with a Uri since the end of December. Thankfully the whole time he has been eating, drinking and pooping normally! I brought him to an emergency vet back in December and they prescribed him Trimethoprim (a sticky pink...
  20. sonnie!boy!

    Guinea Pig breathing funny possibly URI

    Hello , Been really worried , :help: in the last 24+ hrs my guinea pig sonnie has been breathing in and out quite rapidly. he's sides of he's abdomen are like popping in and out every time with a constant jolting motion like he cant perform a normal breath. I took him to the vets and they...