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guinea pig sounds like it got a blocked nose


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
United Kingdom
my guinea pig has been making weird breathing sounds through her nose, sounds blocked. This started happening when i gave her a bath because she has lice

here’s a video
10 September 2023
my guinea pig has been making weird breathing sounds through her nose, sounds blocked. This started happening when i gave her a bath because she has lice

here’s a video
10 September 2023


Has the sound cleared after a few hours or for how long has it been going on? Is it constant or off an on? Water can get up the nose during bathing if the water is too deep but it should clear after a few hours.
What kind of product are you using for the lice (please keep in mind that most of us are UK based).

Guinea Lynx :: Lice
Bathing (including cleaning grease glands) (with safe bathing tips)
been going on for nearly a week, i use the Farriers Equine Care Lice & Mite shampoo and when i bath her i use very little water. Its on and off, yes I'm from the uk

Has the sound cleared after a few hours or for how long has it been going on? Is it constant or off an on? Water can get up the nose during bathing if the water is too deep but it should clear after a few hours.
What kind of product are you using for the lice (please keep in mind that most of us are UK based).

Guinea Lynx :: Lice
Bathing (including cleaning grease glands) (with safe bathing tips)

Has the sound cleared after a few hours or for how long has it been going on? Is it constant or off an on? Water can get up the nose during bathing if the water is too deep but it should clear after a few hours.
What kind of product are you using for the lice (please keep in mind that most of us are UK based).

Guinea Lynx :: Lice
Bathing (including cleaning grease glands) (with safe bathing tips)
been going on for nearly a week, i use the Farriers Equine Care Lice & Mite shampoo and when i bath her i use very little water. Its on and off, yes I'm from the uk